Will You Commit to Living Up to Your Soul's Potential?

Are you living up to your potential or fulfilling your purpose?I live a lot of my days with a nagging feeling that there’s something I should be doing that I’m not doing. I don’t mean “should” in that negative sense, like my mother told me to do something and I feel like I should to please her but I don’t want to or society thinks I should do such and such so I’ll be accepted or liked or fit in but I don’t want to or my husband wants me to take a full time job and earn more money but I don’t want to or even that there’s something I forgot to put on my calendar and I really should be doing something else but I’m not. I mean there really is something else I should be doing.

My spirit, or my soul–call it what you like, calls out to my quietly, softly, and reminds me gently that I’m not fulfilling my purpose. I’m not living up to my potential. Call it the Still Small Voice of God whispering to me, day in, day out, “Nina, this is not what you came here to do. Do your life’s work already. Just do it. Do it…”

When do I listen? When do I act? When do you?

I’ve written before about asking for signs and seeing signs. If you don’t know your purpose or what you are supposed to be doing, signs can help. If you already know, the signs just confirm that you should be doing that thing. Lately, for me the signs have been clear. And the little voice and the signs have been too loud and clear to ignore.

It’s time to take action. Not only that, it’s time to commit.

What stops me? Probably fear. To most people, I seem awfully courageous. I go out and pitch my book ideas, promote myself and my books, teach classes, meet people, throw myself into all sorts of situations… Yet, it’s not easy. And then I have to follow through on what I create, even when what I create is what I wanted. Yes, it takes me to the next level of fulfilling my potential, creating my dreams. But it’s scary. I could fail. I could succeed. Both make me feel afraid.

Yet, if I stay stay stuck, I fail. And I don’t live up to my soul’s potential. I don’t fulfill my purpose. I’m stuck with that feeling that I should be doing something else. And you know what? That is worse than the fear.

Intentions are powerful things. They help move you in the direction you want to go by spiritually or metaphyically gathering the energies internally and externally that you need to create and manifest what you want. It’s great to set the intention to fulfill your purpose, to achieve your potential. However, a commitment goes a step farther. When  you commit to something, you consciously state that you will follow through.

I saw the piece of art above on Facebook this week, and I thought, “This is it. I need to commit to my spirit, my soul, to fulfill my potential.” And then, of course, I need to take action. I need to do what I should be doing.

So, starting this week, that’s what I’ve been doing. When the Still Small Voice speaks to me or I see the signs, when I feel like I should be doing something else, I do what I know I should be doing. And sometimes I just do it anyway–without being told to do it. I do it because my soul wants to do it, and I feel happy when I do.

What about you. Are you ready to commit? Will you commit to living up to your soul’s potential?

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2 thoughts on “Will You Commit to Living Up to Your Soul's Potential?”

  1. I enjoyed this rather thought provoking piece. I do believe that we are all born to do something specific but oftentimes are distracted by all the other things that crowd our lives. As you state, sometimes it’s just fear of embarking on that journey.

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