The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge 2018
Week Five
Did you know that making your writing and your writing time sacred can help your writing during the challenge - and anytime?
Many writers feel that the act of writing connects them with that part of themselves that was created in the image of God - the part that is creative, their soul. To help tap into that part of themselves, they make their writing space a sacred space. Each day they invite the Divine to join them at work or they take time connecting to a Higher Source of creativity and wisdom.
Consider creating a sacred space within which to write, and think of your writing as a sacred act. You might find that doing so makes you feel more inspired and, therefore, helps you not only make time to write but get more accomplished during that time.
Here are some steps you can take to do so:
First, look around your current writing space. Then close your eyes, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to feel what it is like to be in the space. Does it feel sacred or spiritual?
Second, make a list of ways you could make your space sacred. These might include:
- Creating a pre-writing period ritual during which you light a candle, set an intention, meditate, or say a prayer.
- Creating an altar with a candle, crystals, photos, incense, chimes, or other objects your find spiritual or that set a sacred “tone.”
- Cleaning your office and then placing sacred objects on your desk or around the room.
- Adding a fountain and inspirational music for atmosphere.
- Hanging inspirational art on the walls.
Third, make these changes.
Fourth, ritualize the changes you have made. Actually create a ceremony to initiate your new sacred writing space. You could:
- Light a candle and incense and say a prayer for abundant and prosperous writing to happen in the space.
- Visualize what writing in the space each day will be like.
- Invoke your idea of God into the space - ask the The Original Creative One to come to work with you every day in this new sacred space and to help you feel inspired.
I hope the remaining days of the challenge find you writing in your sacred space in the company of Divinity and tapped into your Higher Source.