The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge 2018

Week Seven

I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning.

~Peter De Vries

In addition to invoking your muse, or inspiring yourself, writing daily also can help you stay in the writing flow. For some, imposing set writing periods can feel contrived, but the majority of professional writers will tell you they have a set time to work and this helps their productivity.

Productivity may seem unrelated to creativity, but it’s not. When you get in the habit of writing daily in a given place and at a given time, you can tap into your creative energy more quickly and easily.

Add to this habit your writing rituals, and you will feel inspired. Plus, if your office has been made into a sacred writing space, you may find yourself gladly entering into this vortex of creativity each day for many hours at a time.

So put writing on your daily schedule. Make it a priority item on your calendar. If you feel most creative at night, fine. If you feel most creative in the morning, that’s okay, too. If you want two or three short writing periods rather than one long one, it’s all good! Just try writing daily at the same time and see if that helps you feel inspired, creative and more productive.

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