The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge 2018

Week Six

Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.

~Stephen King

It’s easy enough to say you will write when inspiration hits, when you are in the mood, or when you have an idea. However, that type of approach to your writing may leave you with a whole lot of empty pages. It’s not a tactic that produces a consistent number of words per day.

The most prolific writers don’t wait for their muse to show up. They invite her (or him) in by sitting down in their office chair every day at the same time, turning on the computer and beginning to type.

It’s true that you may not feel inspired immediately when your hands hit the keys. As you begin writing, however, you will get in the flow. You will find yourself inspired by the sheer action of writing.

Professional writers write. They don’t sit around waiting to be in the mood. They have no time or patience for that. As you hit the middle of this challenge, you have no time to waste either.

Invoke your muse by showing up every day, putting your fingers on the keys and beginning to work.

“If you wait for inspiration to write; you’re not a writer, you’re a waiter.”

~Dan Poynter

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