The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge 2018
Week Ten
Sometimes what we need to keep us inspired . . . or at least to keep us writing . . . is a reward system. It’s just that simple.
Today, ask yourself what reward would keep you motivate, if not inspired - or possibly both! When you’ve met your word count for the day, or written for the allotted amount of time, would you like to allow yourself the guilty pleasure of a bowl of ice cream, a candy bar or a soak in the bathtub? Or do you want to take good care of yourself with a yoga class, a long walk or a chance to sit and read a good book?
Here’s how author Jonathan Maberry rewarded himself:
“I started out with a buck every time I met my daily word count, but that increased as my writing income increased. I still do it, even though now I only write books that my agent has already sold. It still works, too.”
When Jonathan’s jar was filled, he would take his wife on vacation!
Now, Jonathan also implemented a punishment system. If he didn’t meet his daily word quota, he removed a dollar from the jar. For some, the threat of punishment is motivational (and inspiring) as well.