Accountability Program
You will be using accountability to help you along, reporting in on your progress on the private group Facebook page two times per week. Access the Facebook group here. Please feel free to use the FB group at any time for questions or support or just to share!
Here's How the Accountability Program Works . . .
First, make a public statement of intention to the Facebook Group this Monday, July 9, (or before). Also, introduce yourself to the group and tell the other participants what your book is about. You can copy this format if you like, but use your own words:
I am [Name], I live in [Place] and I am writing a book about [topic].
In taking this challenge, I intend to:
- Write 700 words every day to complete a 60,000-word first draft of my book.
- Finish writing my book by October 1, 2018.
- Write a book that transforms lives.
(Again, fill in your own intentions rather than using my examples…unless they work for you!)
Second, every Monday post your goals for the week as a status update to the Facebook group using the following format:
Here are my Inspired Writing Goals for this week. I will:
(These should be simple. For example, your goals might be: Write from 5-6 a.m. each morning. Produce 700 words per day. Write 5,000 words per week. Revise or research for 2 additional hours per week.)
Third, every Friday post your progress toward your goals. On Monday, just post your intentions or goals. On Friday, simply copy and paste your earlier Inspired Writing Goals and write next to each one “A” for Achieved or “NYA” for Not Yet Achieved. Then, if you want, provide a comment about how the week went for you. If you are struggling with something, say so, and I will offer tips.
Coaching Calls
As part of the challenge you also get support from me, Nina Amir, during a group coaching call every two weeks. These will be held on Mondays at 9 am PT (with possible exceptions if something comes up unexpectedly—which I don’t expect, but you never know). All sessions will be recorded and archived if technology cooperates. Expect calls to be a minimum of 60 minutes long and no longer than 90 minutes.
Here is the call schedule--please put these dates on your calendars and make them a priority:
Coaching Call Dates:
July 9 – October 1
Monday from 9-10:30 a.m. Pacific Time
July 9 & 23
August 6 & 20
September 4* & 17
October 1
*This session takes place on a Tuesday to accommodate both the Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah holidays.
How to Join the Coaching Calls . . .
Sessions take place using ZOOM meeting:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,9422269467# or +16465588656,,9422269467#
Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 942 226 9467
International numbers available:
Please Note:
1. To get coached, you must have a working mic (plugin or built into your computer); earbuds work fine and most headphones will still allow you to use your computer mic to speak (even if the headset does not have a recording device. If you aren't techie, call in by phone; you can even use your phone's camera to call in with video.
2. If you can attend using video, that works best. To develop a community, it's nice for other members to meet you - by which I mean SEE you.
3. All calls are recorded and archived for the members to watch later, if they miss a session or want to listen again. That means YOU will be recorded.
4. Sessions will begin on time. Please be prompt.
5. If you have to miss a session but want to ask a question, please email that question to me 24-hours prior to the session. I will answer it at the beginning of the session so you can easily find it.