You want to become a writer.

But do you write consistently?
Do you publish your work?

Or do you procrastinate, balk at the required tasks that go with getting published, start projects but never finish them, and allow life to get in the way of achieving what really matters to you...your writing dreams?

The majority of wannabe writers just talk about writing. Real writers . . . successful writers . . . write. They are high-performers who churn out work consistently and place it in the hands of readers.

Stop talking about writing.
Become a writer.

The most productive and successful writers possess habits and mindsets that support their goals and dreams. They know personal development is essential if they want to achieve their purpose and potential. These writers know that becoming their best selves provides the key to success—personally and professionally.

They invest in their personal growth because they understand that this is the key to success—in every area of life.

You know it, too.

But you haven't made that investment in yourself or in your writing dreams . . . yet. That's why you are struggling.

Side view of woman working on laptop, selective focus

Because you haven't yet stepped into your best self, you aren't a productive writer. You don't have the strategies, habits or mindsets that help you achieve your writing goals.

As a result, you’re distracted, overwhelmed, uncertain about your next step, filled with self-doubt, afraid to take action, tired, too busy to write, unproductive, unable to change, and feel like you are wandering through your days putting out fires rather than lighting a flame that gets you writing and publishing your work.

When you live this way, it doesn’t matter if you have a marketable book, article, or blog idea—or if you can write. You can't achieve successful authorship because you haven't  mastered your psychology, physiology, productivity, persuasive skills, purpose, and presence.

But you don't have to continue living this way. You can set yourself apart from the wannabe and average writers. You can produce excellent written work consistently and make a positive and meaningful difference with your words.

six pillars of high performance

How? By taking concrete steps to become your best self—the person and writer you were meant to be.

Yes, hone your craft. Produce ideas that will sell.

But, more important, develop clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence to become your best self—the person and writer you were meant to be.

When you do so, you will make writing dream real.

It's time to achieve your writing goals.

Step up and into your purpose and potential.

I've found the secret to writing success ...

I was a wannabe writer for a long time. Even after I became a published writer and award-winning blogger, I continued to feel as if I wasn't achieving my potential or purpose. Nor was I as productive as I could be ... or wanted to be.

I knew I needed to learn how to level up personally and professionally. I wanted more success, freedom and fulfillment. And I wanted to have more impact—to make a difference in millions of people's lives.

So, after I became a Certified High Performance Coach, I added high-performance strategies and tools to my writing skills and publishing knowledge. I focused on personal development—positive mindsets, productive habits, and inner work. When I saw the benefit this had on my life and writing, I became certified as a high-performance coach so I could share what I'd learned with others.

Today, I am 10x more productive than before (and people thought I was productive previously). I have more energy, clarity, focus, influence, and courage than ever. I also increased my income in the last year by 10x.

I'm proud to say that I have published 21 books, including three traditionally published titles. And I have produced 11 Amazon bestsellers. I run three blogs, and I coach clients daily.

Headshot (lighter)

The closer I move to achieving my potential—to becoming my best self—and fulfilling my purpose, the more able I am to help other writers transform into their best selves and make their writing dreams real.

What's the secret? Personal growth.

It's true, you need writing skill and marketable ideas to succeed as a writer. But that's not enough . . . not if you want to be more than average as a writer or author or move past whatever currently stops you from writing and publishing.

If you want to achieve your potential and purpose as a writer . . . and as a person, I hope you'll join me in the High-Performance Writer Group Coaching Program.

This program is the best of what I have to offer aspiring writers. And its the foundation you need to succeed—at anything. And the strategies, tools, habits, and mindsets I share are the same ones I continue to use as I work to achieve my potential, too.

High Performance Writer Logo copy cropped

Only 10 Spots Available!

Next session begins 5/7/24.
Join today to participate!

Coaching Session Dates

May 7, 2024 - August 6, 2024
Tuesdays, 3
:00 - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time/12 - 1:30 Pacific Time
(No session on 7/9 or 7/23)

All sessions are delivered using a Zoom meeting.

Recordings and handouts are delivered via a membership site.

Register for High Performance Writer GROUP Coaching and receive:

Coaching Sessions
12 weekly, 1½ hour Certified High Performance GROUP Coaching sessions.

Weekly handouts/assignments to help you explore key concepts more deeply.

Recordings of all 12 sessions.

Facebook Group
A private Facebook group to ask questions between sessions, explore ideas with group members, and share your "a-ha" moments and progress.

High performance tips, habits and strategies to apply to your work—or your life.

Certified High Performance Coaching sessions are normally valued at $500+ per session; group coaching sessions for only $49.75 per session.

Expert Coaching
All the benefits of Certified High Performance Coaching plus the benefits of working with a writing and publishing expert.

Intimate Group
Only 10 participants per session.

Life's Golden Ticket
A free copy of Brendon Burchard's Life's Golden Ticket. (If you live in the U.S.)

If after one session you don't feel the “High-Performance Writer GROUP Coaching” program will give you the tools and strategies to become a productive and successful writer, then I’ll (1) refund your money AND (2) consult with you for 30 minutes FREE to help you achieve your writing goals. No questions, no hassles – it’s that simple. If you are dissatisfied, you get your money back.**

** No refunds for other reasons. You have lifetime access to the recordings and handouts and to the High-Performance Writer home-study course as well as to additional material added or updates made to the coaching program.

What Will You Learn during Certified High Performance Coaching?

Over the 12 weeks you deep dive into 12 topics or sessions that help you reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life.

  • The goal of this session is to discover where you currently focus your attention, what level of agency or control you currently feel in your life, and what habits help you perform at your highest level and which ones hinder you from reaching high performance.
  • The goal of this session is to understand where you have strengths and gaps in the amount of clarity you experience in  life. We work to create a clear vision of your best self. To do so, we define who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, and what life principles and practices will make you most successful. This gives you immediate, behavioral-driven clarity and intentionality so you move forward more quickly.
  • In this session our goal is to understand how much energy you have each day and how to amplify it to higher levels so you have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve your goals and live a fully charged life. We strive to find ways for you to gain immediate improvements in the energy you feel and generate daily.
  • The goal of this session is to discuss where you feel you’ve been confident and courageous in life and in what situations you might be holding back or backing down. You receive insights and tools to help you gain confidence, decisiveness, and momentum.
  • The goal of this session is to see how productive and effective you feel in life and work and to give you a set of tools and concepts to help you quickly and easily improve those areas. The focus is on helping you immediately become more effective and productive every day.
  • The goal of this session is to gauge how influential you’ve felt in your relationships and career. You'll receive a few tools and learn concepts that will raise your level of action and immediately help you become more influential in your relationships and career.
  • Now, at the program's half-way point, we begin to delve deeper into the six pillars of high performance: your psychology, physiology, persuasive skills, presence, and purpose.
  • The goal of this session is to develop a free, consciously-directed, positively engaged mind. Simply said, you learn how to create a high-performance mindset.
  • The goal of this session is to check on your energy and physiology work from Session 3. You recieve more tools to help you activate your physiology in ways that make you feel even stronger and more vibrant and that help you gain even more energy.
  • The goal of this session is to review how productive you have been since we began working together so we can look at the ways in whihc you can become even more effective. We look carefully at how you can cut out distracting activities and, in this way, level up your ability to reach your goals.
  • In this session we gauge how persuasive and influential you’ve felt in your relationships and career and target areas in which you can be more persuasive. You wil learn tools to help you improve your level of persuasion so you make a postive impact.
  • This is your second to last session in the program. At this point, we deep dive specifically into the topic of purpose for the first time, although this pillar of high performance underlies much of the work we have done to date. This session focuses on gauging how well you have been living and leading in a purposeful manner.
  • In this the final session we check in on your performance and define your best areas for commitment and discipline moving forward. These are your next steps to continue your journey to achieve your potential and fulfill your purpose. High performers are committed to lifelong discipline and mastery in the six pillars: psychology, physiology, productivity, persuasive skill, and purpose. 

Praise from Past Participants

The High Performance GROUP Coaching program will teach you how to:

Meet Your Deadlines
Set writing goals and achieve them.

Complete Projects
Finish what you start.

Develop Habits
Learn and use new behaviors and mindsets to help you move forward faster.

Create Routines
Develop daily routines that help you write consistently and effectively, generate more energy and focus, and move courageously toward you writing dreams.

Increase Motivation
Get inspired to take massive action on your writing projects and in all areas of your life.

Remove Doubt
Move through writers block and negative thoughts that prevent you from writing or putting your work out into the world.

Build Energy
Increase your energy so you have the stamina to write for lengthy periods and manage long-term projects.

Create Practices
Develop sustainable writing practices.

Eliminate Fear
Eliminate limiting beliefs, fears and negative thoughts that hold you back.

Attract Readers
Become an influencer in your target market and have a positive and meaningful impact on your ideal readers.

All of this for ONLY $597

Maybe you feel like $597 is too much money to invest in yourself. (After all, this is a personal development program rather than a course on how to write or become a writer, author, or blogger.) But how much value do you place on becoming a writer and impacting your readers in positive and meaningful ways? How important is it to you to share your message with the world? And what will you (or others) lose if your words never get read . . . by anyone? What will you and your readers gain if they do?

You can keep taking courses on writing skill and how to publish, blog, or promote. You can continue trying so-called solutions to writer's block. You can get up every morning feeling too tired, busy, distracted, unfocused, and fearful to write. You can continue to let life get in the way of writing.

Or you can decide to become a highly productive . . . and successful . . . writer. You can decide to invest in yourself and your future as a writer. You can learn from someone who has been there, done that, and found another way - THE way - to succeed.

If we worked one-on-one, your investment in Certified High Performance Coaching would be $6,000. Through this program, you get all of the things mentioned above along with the added benefit of sharing and learning with others on a mutual High Performance Writer journey - all for the investment of $597.

This is a no brainer! Invest in yourself. Get out of your own way. Become the writer and author you know you can be.

Yes! I Want to Become A
High Performance Writer today!

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.

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