Monday Inspiration: Don’t Waste Your Time


You can’t manage time. It’s an unchanging and unalterable aspect of life. If you want “more time,” you must manage your attention. In other words, you have to become conscious of where you focus your mind during any given period of time.

When you focus your attention, you achieve your goals more easily. You have time to complete the necessary tasks in your day. And you feel fulfilled and productive.

I believe you have the ability to achieve your potential—if you put your time to good use. That means you can’t waste your time on trivial pursuits. If you have important things you want to accomplish today, this week, this month, this year, or in this lifetime, focus your attention, and your energy and action, on those goals.

If, instead, you spend your time watching television, reading romance novels, surfing the net, or watching every video your friends post on Facebook, you will not achieve your potential. You will waste time, and and use your time unwisely.

You might enjoy these activities. I know I do. But they might not serve your higher purpose. If you feel called to create, start, or do something, fulfill your purpose by managing your attention.

I have a client who told me, “Sometimes I just don’t want to do anything.” That’s fine, I replied, if you need to relax and rejuvenate. It’s not okay if you can focus your attention and energy on your goals but you decide not to because you are unmotivated or lazy.

You have just this one lifetime to fulfill your potential and purpose. (It doesn’t matter if you believe in reincarnation; this lifetime is the only one with which to concern yourself now.) Make it matter. Don’t waste your time. Use your time wisely.

Tell me how you focus your attention and use your time wisely each day.

High Performance Coaching can help you become more clear, courageous, energetic, productive, and influential as you fulfill your potential and purpose. It can help you become more focused, present and conscious as well. To set up a 1-hour FREE High Performance Coaching session, click here.

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