Monday Inspiration: Rewrite the Story

tell a new story for changeEvery day, you create stories about your life, people, current events, or the world. In fact, we all create stories about just about everything all the time. We think they are factual, but we create them through the lens of our own perspective—past experiences, biases, mindsets, and beliefs.

That is why, more often than not, we create stories that aren’t true. And we don’t like them; they cause us to feel unhappy, stressed, fearful, and hopeless. Not only that, the more often we repeat these stories, the worse we feel…and the more negativity we add to the world.

That’s why we—you and me—need to revise the stories we tell to ourselves and others. We need new stories that make us feel better, create what we desire, and put good energy into the world.

Interpretation is Everything

I bet you see things in the world that you don’t like. (I know I do.) Maybe you don’t like a political situation, religious issue, leader, or the way nature rolls in and devastates homes and lives. Maybe you hate terrorists and criminals, like the shooter in Las Vegas. Or you can’t find one nice thing to say about your spouse, boss, or mother.

How you interpret events, experiences, words, or behaviors determine how you create your story about a situation or person. You may think you are just seeing or relating facts, but we all filter such information through our personal lenses. And that affects how we feel and respond and the stories we tell.

That means that if you change the lens or interpret something differently, you can create a new story…one you may like better or that makes you feel differently. In the process, you’ll also change your energy around the event or person.

Become a Spiritual Creative

During Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, I attended a religious service. One of the rabbis talked about “spiritual creativity.” She told us to re-envision or rewrite the story that Jews have told for centuries about Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah. She quoted different religious texts, including the Quran, so we could hear how different religions tell the same story.

By hearing the same story told from different perspectives, most in attendance were able to see how changing the story might change how they felt about both the biblical characters and about Jews and Arabs in modern times. With new facts, we could choose to create own version of the story told for centuries. We could tell a new story—one that might increase the chance of peace and understanding.

In much the same way, we can change the stories we tell about anything or anyone. When we do so, we develop our personal power and become spiritual creatives. Together we co-create the world with our new stories.

You are Not Powerless

Our stories become taller tales and all the more powerful when we feel we can’t change a situation or person. The less power we perceive ourselves to have to make a difference, the angrier we become. Or we become depressed. After all, we can’t change anything…so what hope is left?

Ever feel that way?

You may not be able to change the course or effects of a hurricane. You also may not be able to change how your country is run. Nor can you change your boss, spouse, or mother. But you don’t have to add bad energy to a bad situation or relationship. Yet, that’s what you do when you continually tell a negative story.

You’ve told the story so many times… My boss is such an asshole. I can’t believe the government can’t get it’s act together. Global warming is causing all these storms. My mother is so negative and always judges me. My spouse can’t do anything right.

Each time you repeat it, you add more negative energy to the situation and convince yourself it’s true…and that you can’t change anything at all. You are powerless.

But you can change something: your story. In the process, you change your energy around it. When you do that, you open to the possibility of change. Not only that, you change. And you support change.

Revise the Story

Writers continuously revise their work…their stories. In much the same way, you can revise yours—about anything. All it takes is new information or a different perspective.

Your revised story has the power to transforms your energy around a situation or person. And when you change your energy, you change the energy you put out into the world.

A negative story puts negative energy into the world and does little to help. If instead, you put positive energy out into the world with a positive story, you begin to shift the energy of more than your life; you shift the energy of the world.

If all the people in the world were to focus on one story, that story would come to life. It would become bigger and more powerful. It would gain energy. So imagine if all the people in the world were to focus on a positive and uplifting story, a peaceful story, a story with a good outcome, that story would change global consciousness…that story also would become bigger, more powerful, and gain energy. That one story could create change.

We could co-create change.

But even your changed story helps shift the world a little bit—even your world. Your new story will make you feel better, and that’s important.

Everything is energy, and the energy you put out makes a difference. If your energy is wrapped up in some old story that creates more hatred, anger, frustration, and unhappiness in your life, it’s time to revise the story. It’s time to tell a different story.

What story do you need to revise?

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Photo courtesy of quinntheislander /


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