The Benefits of Learning to Consciously Feel Joyous

Joy is the path to manifestation and connectin to God.Everyone knows it’s better to be happy than sad. No one wants to feel negative emotions, like depression or anger. But studies have shown that happy people are healthier and more productive. Mystics say being happy also helps you deliberately create what you want and connect with God. With all these benefits, who wouldn’t strive to become joyous every day?

That’s easier said than done unless you are good at consciously controlling your thoughts. When you think negative thoughts, you tend to feel negative emotions. So the key to feeling happy begins in your mind, not in your heart or emotions.

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

When you feel sad, depressed, worried, or stressed, stop for a moment and consider what you’ve been thinking about. More often than not, you will be thinking sad, worrisome and stressful thoughts. You’ll be focused on negative issues or subjects. This triggers corresponding negative feelings in your body.

If you can distract yourself from these thoughts, you will feel better almost immediately. Pet the cat. Go cut some flowers in your garden. Exercise (which also releases endorphins that make you feel better). Do something that requires your full attention, like adding numbers.

Change Your Thoughts and Behavior

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, a Jewish mystic, said you should do anything at all to be joyous rather than sad–even acting silly or dancing or singing, especially if you want a spiritual experience.  He taught that feeling joyous was a necessity for connecting with God. It’s been said that prayers of gratitude, which focus on abundance, are stronger than petitionary prayers, which focus on lack.

That’s probably why affirmations work well, too. When you use them you think about already having what you want, training your mind to focus on the positive (having what you desire) and to believe you possess it or will soon possess it. This puts your thoughts on abundance, which makes you feel good. Affirmations are positive thoughts.

All conscious or deliberate creation techniques, including the ones I teach based on Kabbalah, focus on feeling good as you think about what you want to bring into the world. Working toward feeling happy with your current situation as you try to manifest a new one is a basic foundational principle.

Work at Being Joyous

My sister constantly finds reason to be joyous–to laugh and to joke and to dance. I have  friend who jokes about everything and loves to celebrate every chance she gets. Unlike my sister or friend, I tend to be a serious and introspective person. I remember my mother describing me as “unhappy” when I was just a teenager. In any case, I have to work harder at being happy. I watch funny movies. I watch humorous videos on YouTube. I pet the cat…a lot. And I don’t focus on the negative things in my life.

The more joyous I am, the more easily I create what I desire–more happiness, more fulfillment, better relationships, and the things I desire.

To feel more joyous daily try these 10 activities, which include some of the things I mentioned:

  1. exercising
  2. watching funny movies and videos
  3. spending time in nature
  4. playing with your pets
  5. dancing
  6. singing
  7. meditating
  8. relaxing with loved ones
  9. focusing on a task
  10. doing affirmations

What about you? Are you joyous by nature? Do you have to work at it? And do you find it makes a difference?

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Image credit: yanlev / 123RF Stock Photo

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