It never fails. Just as I say commit to moving forward with one of my goals or dreams, I get bogged down with a work project.
I should feel grateful for work (and I do on many levels). Work means I brings in money. My husband appreciates the fact that I can contribute to the family income; we need this added financial boost. I usually feel pretty good about actually having income. This means I have clients. Clients mean I am helping others, and I feel appreciated and of value. My self-worth goes up and I feel good. Plus, I can save some of the money to help me bring my goals and dreams into reality. I need to make money to create the things I desire.
For all these reasons, I feel grateful for work projects.
On the other hand…work projects mean I must devote myself to other people’s work–other people’s goals and dreams. Mine get shelved. When this happens, these projects feel like roadblocks to my own goals and dreams.
This makes me think about this quotation from Martha Graham:
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
When I am ready to move forward with a project, I feel the energy flowing. I’m ready to take action! I don’t want to block it. I don’t want to lose it.
I remember a psychic once telling me she thought I had been “joined” by an entity that had come to help me produce my work. I had just told her I felt “pushed” to get my work done; the sense of urgency had grown strong within me. She said, “If you wait to long, this presence will leave.”
Sometimes life gives us so much…so many opportunities. It’s hard to feel grateful for them all, but we must. And we must trust that we will know when the time is right, that everything is falling into place as it should–and at the right time. We must remember that God’s hand is in everything.
Who knows where this client’s book will take me? Who knows what this income will allow me to do? Who knows how working with this person will affect me, my life, my work?Viewed this way, the work that comes in no longer seems like a roadblock but rather a bridge to something…to my own goals and dreams.
Yet, when the energy flows through me, I must express it. I must find a way–work or no work.
And so must you.