Love, Light and Good Deeds – Rather than Revenge – as a Response to Terrorist Attack in Mumbai

I live in an area directly affected by the deaths of Chabad Emissary Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivkah. They have relatives living in nearby Monterey, CA. Plus, I know the Chabad Rabbi, Yochanan Friedman, in Santa Cruz quite well. He and I had an opportunity to discuss the tragedy on Monday after a …

Love, Light and Good Deeds – Rather than Revenge – as a Response to Terrorist Attack in Mumbai Read More »

Thanksgiving Provides Antidote to Anxiety Caused by Economic Crisis

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a holiday when we celebrate our great abundance and prosperity. However, for many people, the current economic crisis may cause them to feel as if they have little to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. In fact, they may be experiencing so much lack in their lives that they can’t muster …

Thanksgiving Provides Antidote to Anxiety Caused by Economic Crisis Read More »

When the Financial Crisis Hits, Open Your Hand Rather than Closing It

The financial crisis seems to be hitting too close to home these days. Here on my homefront, got debt we can’t seem to get paid off. Each time I get the credit cards a bit lower, I find that I have to charge something else. My son’s hospital stays this summer left us with additional …

When the Financial Crisis Hits, Open Your Hand Rather than Closing It Read More »

Success Messages from Barak Obama, Kathi Kamen Goldmark and Lisabeth Kaplan

  Last week I wanted to write a blog about the speech Barak Obama gave after he learned he had been elected the 44th president of the United States. However, I got busy…In the meantime, I’ve been to two events that seemed quite different, but they both reinforced similar messages to the one I took …

Success Messages from Barak Obama, Kathi Kamen Goldmark and Lisabeth Kaplan Read More »

My Life Needs a Rainy Season to End the Drought

  The rains came this weekend, washing clean the dust of the summer, the soot from the wildfires and any remaining fear of new fires being kindled. In Northern California, the rainy season starts almost like clockwork on or around Halloween.   I find that so amazing…almost miraculous. In the almost seven years I’ve lived …

My Life Needs a Rainy Season to End the Drought Read More »

What do Black Monday, the Economic Crisis, the Divine Name, Giving, and Receiving Have in Common?

What do Black Monday, the current economic crisis, the Divine Name, giving, and receiving have in common? I found out today while reading and participating in a dialogue on a list serve to which I subscribe. It all began with a post by someone who shared information about a man in Jerusalem who five years …

What do Black Monday, the Economic Crisis, the Divine Name, Giving, and Receiving Have in Common? Read More »

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