how to be happy

Joy is the path to manifestation and connectin to God.

The Benefits of Learning to Consciously Feel Joyous

Everyone knows it’s better to be happy than sad. No one wants to feel negative emotions, like depression or anger. But studies have shown that happy people are healthier and more productive. Mystics say being happy also helps you deliberately create what you want and connect with God. With all these benefits, who wouldn’t strive …

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When Your Kids Spread Their Wings and Leave the Nest Empty

This past year or two I’ve watched my children spread their wings and really begin to fly. In a few cases, they are still flapping them around a bit and wondering if they can really handle a long distance flight, if they’ve got the skill, the endurance, the character. But every day they fly just …

When Your Kids Spread Their Wings and Leave the Nest Empty Read More »

Our Obsession with Predictions Keeps Us From Living in the Moment

Humans love predictions. Just look at how Americans wait for a groundhog, of all the crazy animals in the world, to predict when spring will arrive. It’s a national holiday. Groundhog Day. Really? In fact, our obsession with predictions really just keeps us from living in the moment and doing what is necessary to create …

Our Obsession with Predictions Keeps Us From Living in the Moment Read More »

Do You Know What Test You Are Taking in This Lifetime?

Last night I watched a documentary called Praying with Lior, about a child with Downs Syndrome who loves to pray. There were many interesting concepts discussed  in this film, such as why a child with Downs Syndrome would be so attracted to prayer. However, it’s easy enough to conclude that for some reason his “condition” …

Do You Know What Test You Are Taking in This Lifetime? Read More »

Is Your Faith Like a Potato?

I write a lot about faith, but it’s a hard topic to discuss–to describe. People who don’t have faith can’t fathom it. Tonight, however, I watched a movie that had a great analogy for faith, albeit an unlikely one: the potato. Although Faith Like Potatoes was a bit too Christian in orientation for my tastes, …

Is Your Faith Like a Potato? Read More »

Can You Really Let Go?

“Can you really let go?” I asked myself this question today when I left my son a long message on Facebook telling him I was basically “cutting the apron strings” and letting him handle his own stuff. To a great extent, I have not choice but to let go; he’s in Germany. I can’t  help …

Can You Really Let Go? Read More »

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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