
in a crazy world, create what matters

How to Create What Matters When Life Seems Crazy

When life seems crazy, it’s easy to decide some things aren’t important—even if they are. It seems necessary to focus all your attention and energy on reducing the chaos and uncertainty. Wanting to create something that matters to you seems selfish…even trivial. It’s actually selfish not to create what matters to you—especially when life seems […]

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Create what you desire; don't manifest your desire

Why It’s Essential To Create – Not Manifest – Your Desires

You are a creator, not a manifestor. That’s why it’s easier to create—not manifest—your desires. The term “manifestor” describes someone who manifests what they want. Technically, that’s correct terminology since they have brought something new into the world—“made it manifest.” So, adopting that identity makes sense. However, being a manifestor focuses on the end result—the

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A slower pace helps you achieve your goals and dreams without stopping or quitting

Why Slowing Down Offers the Most Effective Goal-Achievement Strategy

We live in a fast-paced world where quickly achieving goals is perceived as a virtue. We are taught to strive with unwavering determination and consistency to reach our goals. Slowing down is considered unacceptable or a weakness, yet it provides a better goal-achievement strategy. Slowing the pace at which you pursue your dreams can mean

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Experience the Divine Presence daily

12 Ways to Experience the Divine Presence Every Day

You can find spiritual connection in various ways. Many people try to lead spiritual or religious lives by attending church, mosque, or synagogue services. Others connect spiritually by meditating and praying. However, very few people experience a connection with the Divine Presence outside of spiritual practice. Instead, they get caught up in life, work, and

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Disappointment doesn't have to stop you from going for your dreams

How to Use Disappointment to Motivate New Action

Disappointment is inevitable. Maybe that’s a negative belief, but you’d probably agree that most people experience disappointment at some point—especially if they take risky steps to realize their dreams. But you don’t have to allow disappointment to stop you from continuing to move boldly toward your future vision. I know this well. As a writer,

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eliminate procrastination by increasing necessity - Certified High Performance Coaching

How to Overcome Procrastination by Increasing Necessity

Procrastination. If you are a procrastinator, you might delay work-related tasks, postpone taking action on personal goals, avoid household chores, or put off unpleasant conversations. No matter when or why you procrastinate, the impact is always the same—your productivity plummets, and your self-esteem, self-trust, and self-confidence decline. But throw a little necessity into the mix,

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How to Increase Your Vibration Level by Being Authentic

Despite what you might have heard, the highest emotional frequency isn’t love. In fact, it’s authenticity. The frequency of authenticity is 400 times higher than that of love. To increase your vibration, you need to be more authentic. Live your life in alignment with who you really are, and you’ll naturally vibrate at a higher

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Learn and grow from states of helplessness

The 6 Surprising Lessons Learned from Being Helpless

Being helpless isn’t much fun. After all, you have no independence and are reliant on others for almost everything. However, there are some surprising lessons to be learned from being rendered helpless…at least if it’s for a short period of time. I realize that some people are dependent on others for everything and for long

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why you don't manifest what you want

The Best Way to Eliminate Your Huge Manifestation Obstacles

Many people feel as if a huge obstacle exists between what they want and manifesting that desire. If you are frustrated that you aren’t creating what you want, it’s time to explore your manifestation obstacles. Your inability to create what you desire is likely tied to a consistent thought about why you can’t have it.

The Best Way to Eliminate Your Huge Manifestation Obstacles Read More »

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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