Transcript of video:
I was at the gym warming up before my session with my personal trainer. I’m on the StairMaster, and I’m chugging along up the steps. There were three of us on the StairMasters, and, beyond that, there were a bunch of people on the elliptical. We’re all working out. I’m going kind of fast because I have my session in a little while, and I needed to warm up.
Along comes this little old lady. She had to be 80 or more. She stops at every single StairMaster and every single elliptical, and she says something nice to the person. To me, she says, “That’s a great color. You need to wear that color more often. Do that and you’re going to feel great. Just wear that color.” And she goes on to the next person.
I looked at her, and I said before she moved on, “You know, more people need to be like you. More people need to be like you. You are cheery, and you come along and offer positive, pleasant, inspiring, uplifting words. You encourage people, and you tell them they’re great. You give them a reason to smile.”
So I want to ask you today, are you doing that? Are you ever just going up to someone that you don’t even know and saying something nice?
“Your hair looks great. Who does it for you?”
“That’s a great shirt.”
Generate great energy. Do you ever do that?
What about to your family members and friends? Do you do that? It’s easy to forget about our family, and they need positive words from us more than almost anyone. They need to know we notice them, and that we care, and that we see them, that we aren’t criticizing them all the time, or judging them – it’s very easy to do that with our family members.
So I want to challenge you to go out there today and say something positive to someone you don’t know, and I want you to say positive things to your family. Tell them you’re proud of them, tell them they look great today, tell them they’re doing a great job, tell them that you love them – but say something nice, and smile at them, and show them that you see them and the uniqueness in them.
Or just say, “Isn’t it a wonderful day? I’m so glad that you’re in my life. I’m so happy I saw you today walking by on the street. You have a great smile. Have a fabulous day.”
Today, that’ my challenge to you. Go out there, say something positive to someone whether you know them or not. Okay?
I am Nina Amir, I’m the Inspiration to Creation Coach. I’m a Certified High Performance Coach, as well as an Author Coach. I would love to serve you and help you see life in a positive way and live your life in a positive way and live your life fully, achieve your potential and fulfill your purpose. If you would like to talk to me about that, please come on over to, and shoot me an email from there. There’s a contact form, and while you’re there, download my free book, How to Create and Achieve Your Goals and enjoy that.
Until I meet you again, I want to tell you that you’re great! You’re fabulous. I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to talk to you today. You made my day. You’re one in a million. Until I see you again, go out there and achieve more inspired results.