Create Inspired Results: Step Into Your dream

make your dream realWhat’s your dream? You’ve got one, right? Sure you do. Everyone has one.

Maybe you’ve forgotten your dream. Or you tucked it away and forgot about it because you felt you shouldn’t dream or couldn’t realize your dream.

Not thinking about your dream made life a bit easier. You didn’t feel the upset and disappointment for not being able to make it real.

But you had a dream—and likely still have it. And you need to dream.

Why It’s Important to Dream

It’s important to dream. You dreams awaken your aspirations, and those aspirations pull you—and sometimes push you—into the future. They nurture and generate the energy to take action so you do, indeed, create that future. You make your dream come true.

Dreams also keep you aspiring to something bigger and better. They make you want to be more and do more, create a better life, and realize your potential and purpose.

Aspirations keep you motivated and growing.

Don’t Stop Dreaming

Maybe dreaming has felt too hard for you. Indeed, it’s possible to get stuck in a belief that your dream is unattainable or too hard to attain. Or you keep thinking about how you haven’t yet realized your dream, and that’s upsetting. So, you stop dreaming.

When that happens, you also stop growing. You stop changing. You stop striving for something bigger and better—and trying to become your best self.

Start Dreaming Your Dream Again

I want to encourage you to start dreaming again. And I challenge you to step up and into your dream once you find it.

How do you do that? Use these five strategies, and before you know it, not only will you be dreaming again, you’ll be living your dream.

1. Allow yourself to believe your dream is possible. Give yourself permission to dream…and to dream big. Then dream.

2. Take bold action toward your dream. Every day do something—even something small—to move toward realizing your dream. Want to travel around the world but don’t yet have the money or time? Go to your computer and research the cost. Decide where you will go. Buy travel guides, and plan your trip in detail.

3. Visualize your dream. Daydream. Imagine. Reawaken your dream in vivid color and with deep emotion as you visualize it coming true in your mind. See yourself stepping into and living it.

4. Act as if you’ve achieved your dream. Pretend you’re living your dream. Start packing those bags for your trip. Dress for that higher position you want at work. Write every day like a published author. Fake it until you make it.

5. Do one thing daily to live your dream—to step into it. Take a small trip…somewhere…anywhere. Go on a writing retreat. Or sign up for Do something that allows you to experience living your dream.

Start dreaming again. But do more than that… Step up and into your dream. Make it real. Don’t wait.

What’s your dream?

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If you are interested in learning how to step into your dream, apply for a free one-hour high-performance discovery session. (Click here to download the application.) Fill it out, and then attach it to an email and send it to

Make 2017 the year you take control of yourself and your life.

Photo copyright: konstantynov /

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