Discover Your Ultlimate Purpose in Life: Receive to Give

To receive you must also give.Most of us find it difficult to receive anything. We say we want or desire things, like increased income, a loving relation (or a better relationship) or a call telling us we have a new job or literary agent, but they don’t manifest. When we do receive something, even a tiny compliment, we have trouble actually accepting the gift without some sort of argument, complaint or sense that we don’t deserve it.

Therein lies the rub. We have desires but consciously or unconsciously we don’t feel we should have them fulfilled.

In fact, our purpose in life lies in receiving what we desire. And we can learn to receive if we focus on giving as well.

You and I were created to receive all the abundance in the universe. The Jewish mystics, or Kabbalists, explain that God created the world and humans as receivers of all the goodness the Source of Everything had (and has) to offer. We are receivers. Our purpose lies in receiving—or learning to receive.

If we don’t feel good enough or worthy enough to receive what we want, we can’t allow it in. We can’t be good containers for all that abundance, all that goodness. That causes us to push it away, or allow it to leak out once we do receive it, either with negative thoughts and beliefs—I can’t have that,” “I shouldn’t have that,” or “I don’t deserve that”—or with actions and words—actually turning away what we want, saying we don’t want it, not doing what it takes to get it, or sabotaging our efforts to manifest our desires.

It could be that you feel guilty for even wanting anything at all. Maybe you think there are people far worse off than you, and, therefore, you shouldn’t want to improve your situation. In fact, if you improve your situation you are better able to help others.

That’s where your purpose as a receiver changes, say the Kabbalists. You can become a giver—like God. If you start with this as your ultimate purpose–to share what you create with others or to use it to benefit others, you raise the level of your desire to receive. This increases the likelihood that you will, indeed, manifest your desire.

Try this sometime: Consider how you can use what you want to create ultimately for the good of others. How can your increased income, new job, better relationship, published book, new car, better health, or less complicated life help others in some way or help you help others? If you have more money, can you donate to a charity? If you get a literary agent who helps you publish your book, can you then help your readers via your book? If you get a new car will it help you get a new job and increase your earning potential and then send money to your elderly parents or help pay for your children’s college education? Will improving your marriage allow you become happier and, therefore, a better parent and a better employee? If you need help working on a particular desire and how to focus this on the purpose to give, consider Kabbalistic conscious creation coaching.

As you give, you once again receive. Think about how you feel when you give someone a gift and they like it or when you do something nice for another person and they thank you. Their gratitude becomes a gift you receive. Thus, the giving and receiving become a constant flow, or a circular energetic event.

Receiving with the intention of giving allows you to take your desires and make them less self-centered, which helps you feel less guilty about or unworthy of receiving what you want. Focus your purpose around helping others or the world in some way, and leave me a comment below that lets me know if you find your desires manifesting quickly with this process.

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Image credit: gow27 / 123RF Stock Photo

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