You Don’t Have To Believe What You Think

think positivelyI purchased a bumper sticker a few years ago that says, “You don’t have to believe everything you think.” It reminds me not to focus on my negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and old stories about myself.

The bumper sticker resides on my desk in a rack that holds folders. It sits to my left along with some thank-you cards I’ve received from happy clients and grateful people who attended my workshops.

It’s easy to retell myself old stories, such as that I’m not good enough, I have nothing to say, or I’m not an expert, but this doesn’t serve me. It perpetuates my limiting beliefs, as well as my negative thoughts, about myself, and this diminishes my self-confidence and self-esteem. That makes it hard for me to create new stories—better stories that support me in achieving my goals and dreams.

Tell Yourself a New Story

I need a reminder that just because I think something doesn’t mean the thought is true or right. I don’t have to believe it. In fact, I can dismiss it as exactly what it is: incorrect, false, limiting, negative, and unhelpful.

Of course, this practice takes consciousness. I have to become aware of my thoughts first. But when I have the awareness to know my mind has focused on negative thoughts, I can focus on positive ones instead. When I notice that my mind has trained on limiting beliefs about myself, I can train it on big-picture visions instead.

When I hear my mind telling me the same old, tired story about how I’ve failed, not performed well enough, been weak, or anything like this, I can create a new story. I can tell a story of my successes, great potential fulfilled, strength, courage, passion, inspiration…and anything else I desire to bring forth in this lifetime.

I do not have to believe everything I think. I decide what I believe. And I create the stories I want to tell about myself.

How about you? Do you believe everything you think?

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