When you feel the desire to judge someone, remember that on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the sefirot of gevurah (judgment) lies opposite chesed (loving-kindness), so that these can balance each other. Thus, we never judge someone without tempering that judgement with love and kindness and we don’t offer love and kindness without the some perspective offered by judgment or discernment.
If you’ve never looked at the Tree of Life or the sefirot, you might want to do so. They are very interesting and provide great insight into many aspects of ourselves and how we are supposed to approach life.
Supposedly the Tree of Life constitutes a blueprint for all of creation. The sefirot represent Divine characteristics, yet we also contain these aspects since the blueprint lies within us as well.
We must strive to find a balance between the sefirot—to express them in just the right amount. In this case, we want to have not too much judgment and not too much loving kindness. Too much of either one becomes a character flaw. We want balance. Life is about balance.