Most of us have way too many reasons. And they all revolve around why we can’t or don’t think we can do the things we say we want to do.
You know what I mean.
Your reasons might sound like this:
- I don’t have time right now.
- I don’t have the money.
- I’m too busy.
- I have other obligations.
- I can’t find a date on my calendar that works.
- My husband (kids, mother, friends) won’t like it.
- I might not like the outcome.
- It will feel hard.
- I can’t.
It’s time to give up your reasons and become unreasonable.
What it Means to Be Unreasonable
What does it mean to be unreasonable? It means becoming a person who has no reasons that prevent forward motion. An unreasonable person takes action rather than making excuses.
When you become unreasonable, you find ways to do what you say you want to do now, not in the future. You stop focusing on why you can’t do something and, instead, focus on why you can.
When you first begin to practice being unreasonable, to a great extent your reasons switch from why I can’t to why I can.
But at the most extreme level of unreasonableness, you just choose to do…in the present moment—without a need for reasons.
No Need for Why
Most of us are conditioned to have reasons for everything. We need reasons to do something and not to do it.
I’ve even written about the importance of knowing your “why,”. Your reason to take action, indeed, will help you commit to action.
However, sometimes you feel the need to move in your gut…you know you want to do something, and stopping to explore the reasons for that feeling stops you in your tracks.
If you just took action in that moment of inspiration or motivation, you’d have already accomplished something. You’d have started on the book, paid for the class, said hello to the person to whom you feel attracted, or accepted the new job.
4 Ways to Become Unreasonable
How do you become unreasonable? Here are four ways.
- Stop looking for reasons NOT to do something. These are excuses. If you say you want to do something, do it. Don’t hem and haw about how it isn’t possible.
- Take action…fast! Instead of finding reasons TO do something, as Nike says, just do it. Act fast, or you won’t act at all. It’s best to act within the first five seconds after you have the thought to do something.
- Trust your intuition. For a few weeks, act on your gut instinct. Don’t question it. Just do what “feels right.” See what happens.
- Choose. That’s right…chocolate ice cream or vanilla? Do you need a reason to pick one or the other? No. Just grab the bowl, and enjoy! Remember, all change or forward movement happens in the instant you choose something different and take a step into that decision.
This week, try being unreasonable. Make it an experiment. See what happens. And tell me about your results in a comment below.
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