Monday Inspiration: Get in the Flow

Inspirational tools

Here in California, the chances of getting rain are getting slimmer and slimmer. That means, the flow of water has already slowed down. We have no way to increase that flow until rainy season hits next winter. However, you can increase your flow or get in the flow any time you choose.

Getting in the flow is a choice you can make. You don’t have to wait to get in the flow or hope you will find your way to the flow. You can create flow.

How do you do that? Start doing the work.

If you are an artist, writer or any type of creative (including entrepreneurs), don’t wait to feel inspired and get into the “zone.” Instead, do the work.

Sit down at your computer and write, pull out your easel and start a new painting, or begin a new product, speech, course, or service. As you do so, you will feel inspired. You will find yourself in the zone. You’ll get in the flow because you created it.

Unlike the water in California which only flows when it rains, you can make your own rainstorm by taking action. As you do, you turn on your inspiration. Then you will find yourself awash in ideas, motivation, productivity, clarity, and focus.

Today, remove all distractions. Start your work. Get in the flow.

How do you get in the flow? Tell me in a comment below.

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