How to Find the Flow When You’ve Lost It

Recently, I found myself struggling with my work. I just wasn’t feeling jazzed, passionate or eager to get to my desk in the morning. I was having a hard time making myself write.

I could see my income suffering as well. I would offer a course, and nothing would happen. No response.

Not only that, I just couldn’t get myself to do any of the things I said I wanted to do or knew I needed to do—things that would help me move toward my goals personally and professionally.

I had lost the flow.

What Causes You to Lose the Flow

I believe you lose the flow, or rather move against or find yourself blocked from it, for a variety of reasons. It could be that life gets in the way of the things you love and feel passionate about. It could be that you do more “shoulds” rather than “want” and “love” activities. Sometimes you forget your purpose or calling—or maybe you feel the need to discover it but it has remained illusive. Or maybe you don’t remember who you are—you lose yourself.

How to Find the Flow

Therein really lies the first key to finding the flow once again. When you can remember who you are and what you love, what jazzes you and makes you feel inspired and energetic, the flow returns. For me, I had to take some time to think about why I was feeling so burned out and bored. I had to get in touch with the missing pieces in my life and work and refocus upon them—make time for them, which can be the most difficult part.

The second key comes when you realize that finding the flow is easy! In fact, you can get back in the flow anytime you choose by just taking a dive into the stream of abundant energy flowing all around and within you.

Think of it this way: A stream flows downhill and toward the ocean, over rocks and logs and whatever is in its way, unless it hits a dam or some major obstruction. If the obstruction is removed, or the dam opened, the water continues to flow. You are like an organism in a huge cosmic stream. The only thing that stops you from being in the flow, moving rapidly along with the current, is you. If you are trying to swim upstream, hanging onto twigs and branches along the way, getting out and sitting on the bank, or closing the gates to the dam, then you will have a difficult time flowing through life (or work or relationships or whatever). If, however, you get in the water, lie on your back and float, the current will take you along for a lovely ride!

Usually, when we allow ourselves to get in touch with our own internal current, the intuitive flow of energy, we begin to also move into congruence with the energy outside of us as well. And we start to find the flow once again.

I Got My Flow Back

I got my flow back by realizing that I had totally stopped doing many of the thing I love and feel passionate about. I’d also stopped doing the things that make my body strong and vibrant (and that make me feel happy). So, I’ve begun taking time in the morning and evening to read (a novel, a book about personal growth and a book that will move my business forward). I’m spending a little time each day learning something new, such as watching a video or trying a new technology. I’ve signed up for an awesome personal development course, since this is a huge passion of mine and something I’ve spent neither time or money on in recent years. And I’ve begun exercising more regularly, mostly cycling, which I enjoy, but also walking, which allows me to listen to motivational audios at the same time. I’m also spending a little time each day meditating or praying.

These things have reminded me of what’s important to me. They’ve helped me ignite my energy, passion, purpose, and inspiration. They’ve helped me find the flow. In fact, I feel as if I took a huge dive into a gigantic river and flung my arms up over my head, and with a huge amount of faith, said, “Take me where I’m supposed to go.”

And I’ve been flowing along quickly and happily ever since.

What about you? Are you in the flow or have you lost it? How do you find the flow when you lose it?

Image courtesy of guffoto |

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