How To Use Your Powerful Spiritual Guidance System This Year

Are you using your spiritual guidance system?

You possess a powerful spiritual guidance system but may not have used it previously. Maybe you don’t use it now. Yet, if you pay attention to its messages and allow them to inform your decisions and actions, your life will flow more easily. You’ll get from where you are to where you want to go—a soul-aligned life—more quickly.

Use your spiritual guidance systems daily, and you will find the quality of your life improves in various ways. For example, you’ll be happier, have clarity, feel on purpose, and achieve goals more easily.

That’s what happens when you live a life based on soul alignment. Your soul programs your spiritual guidance system to direct you toward ways to be congruent with your spiritual nature, purpose, and potential.

Who You Really Are

You are a spiritual being having a human experience, a soul housed in a physical body. Your soul, or spiritual nature, is a tiny individualization of Source.

Source is creative. (No wonder we call It the Creator or Divine Creator.) You are part of the Divine Creator and possess the same creative nature.

Therefore, you are a creator.

You create with your thoughts, emotions, and actions, all of which determine your vibration. Ultimately, you create based on your energy or vibration.

Your Spiritual Guidance System

Your soul powers your spiritual guidance system and speaks to you through intuition, inspiration, and passion. When you act on its prompts or messages, you align with your spiritual nature and use that nature as your compass to navigate life.

By doing so, you tap into your powerful, creative nature.

Every day, your soul speaks to you, offering guidance. You only need to know how to hear and interpret that wisdom so you can act on it. Here are three ways your soul communicates with you.

Your Soul Speaks Through Intuition

Intuition is the primary language of the soul. You may notice this as a persistent or unusual thought, an urge to do something, a gut feeling, or the hair rising on your arms. Everyone receives intuitive guidance differently.

The key is to listen to your intuition. More importantly, trust it enough to act on it. That’s when the magic happens.

Your Soul Guides Through Inspiration

Inspiration is another powerful way your soul speaks to you. For many, it’s a communication method more easily noticed and understood than intuition. However, most people know when they feel inspired.

If you take action on inspiration, you are following spiritual guidance. Your soul sends you the feeling of inspiration, which you perceive as a feeling excited, eager, and motivated to act.

You know you want to move toward whatever inspires you. You only need to take the action.

Don’t wait; inspiration tends to fade with time. Act on this type of spiritual guidance quickly to get inspired results.

Your Soul Guides Through Passion

The third way your soul guides you is through passion. When you feel passion for something—like horses, beaches, reading, writing, painting, crystals, or gardening—this provides a surefire sign that your soul wants you to be involved in such activities or interests.

Yes, you may feel passion for someone, but many factors influence relationships. For now, focus on the hobbies, subjects, or things you feel passionate about. Get involved with them.

Then, notice how pursuing your passions makes you feel, such as happy, alive, on purpose, congruent, authentic, peaceful, and aligned. That means you are “feeding your soul.” You are doing the things your soul knows are for your highest good—and which it guided you toward.

Don’t Listen to Your Mental Chatter

Your brain will tell you that spiritual guidance in any form is a bunch of woo-woo hooey. It will say, “Don’t listen! Don’t act!”

But that’s the guidance you need to ignore. Your brain wants you to do what it deems as “safe.” It sees anything new or different as “unsafe”—even though it puts you in no physical danger.

So, don’t let your brain talk you out of following your intuition, acting on your inspiration, or pursuing your passions.

Your brain also wants to keep you firmly rooted in being human. It does not want you to remember that you are a spiritual being.

Yet, you are both. When you allow yourself to follow spiritual guidance by taking physical (human) action in the world, you live fully as who you really are. You achieve your human and spiritual potential.

Live a Life of Soul Alignment

Once you have learned to notice your spiritual guidance system at work, it’s up to you to interpret your soul’s messages. Only you can truly know what each one means.

Then trust—and act. If you have misinterpreted the message, you will know soon enough. Your soul then will send you a new message to course correct. Trust that one, too—and act.

When you use your powerful spiritual guidance system, you live in soul alignment, which allows you to create what matters to you. Your spiritual guidance system is there to help you live in soul alignment and help you achieve your spiritual and human potential.

Will you use your powerful spiritual guidance system this year? If you do—or if you’ve done so in the past—what were your results? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

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