If you aren’t creating what matters to you, it’s time to figure out why. Understanding arms you with clarity about how or what you need to change to bring what you value into your life.
You are a creator. You create all the time with your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. However, you may not create the things that matter to you.
That seems odd, does it not? After all, you say these things are important to you.
But if your thoughts, actions, and emotions relate to things you don’t want or believe are more important, you will create them instead. The things you say you value will remain out of reach.
What do You Value?
What do you want to create? What really matters to you that you haven’t yet realized in your life?
You may value a loving relationship or good friends. Possibly, it’s a more fulfilling job and a more significant income. Or maybe what matters to you is better health, time to pursue your hobbies, or the ability to travel the world. Perhaps you want to write a book, record a song, start a business, have a child, or open an animal rescue facility.
So, why haven’t you created these things?
Why You Don’t Create What Matters
If you aren’t creating whatever you say matters to you, it’s likely for one of these eight reasons.
1. What you say matters to you doesn’t really matter to you.
You say what you want to create matters to you. However, you don’t actually value it. If you did, you would have created it.
When something matters to you, you do what it takes to spend time, attention, and energy on it—and bring it into your experience. When something doesn’t matter to you, you do the opposite. Period.
2. You aren’t committed to creating what you say matters to you.
Look at your life, and you will know what you are committed to, like watching two hours of television each night, reading in bed, exercising daily, eating a sugar-free diet, sleeping eight hours per night, or drinking alcohol daily.
Your habits are what you are committed to and continue to be committed to. Why? You were committed enough to repeat those behaviors until they became rote.
You haven’t committed to creating what matters to you. If you had, you would have the habit of doing whatever is necessary to make it a reality.
3. Your excuses stop you from creating what matters to you.
You likely believe you have good reasons for not creating what matters to you. In fact, they are all excuses.
Yes, things happen that are out of your control. Those circumstances can get in the way of creating what matters to you—if you let them. However, using those situations as excuses will never bring what you value into your life.
Instead, you have to take responsibility for daily choices related to creating what matters to you. When life happens, you can make excuses or take responsibility for finding a way to take action anyway.
4. Your habits don’t support creating what matters to you.
If your habits make it hard to create what matters to you, therein lies a big reason you haven’t yet created it.
For example, let’s say you claim you don’t have time to do the things that would make your dream a reality. Yet, you have the habit of watching television, scrolling social media, or reading for three hours per day. Clearly, that habit isn’t helping you spend time creating what matters to you. (Having no time to work on your dream is just an excuse.)
Other unsupportive habits might be getting too little sleep, giving yourself grace often, being a caretaker, or allowing other people’s opinions to influence your actions.
5. You have a fixed or negative mindset.
Maybe you find it difficult to see past your current circumstances to other options, possibilities, or solutions that allow you to create what matters to you. In that case, you’ll feel stuck and unable to take action toward your dream.
If you believe your abilities are innate and cannot be changed and, therefore, you cannot grow into someone who can do what it takes to create what matters to you, you’ll give up before you start.
Any negative thoughts or beliefs will keep you doing what you’ve always done rather than doing something that helps you create what matters to you.
6. You don’t trust your ability to create what matters to you—or that you should create what you value.
A lack of trust in your ability to create what matters to you stops you in your tracks. And if you doubt whether you should create it, you move slowly toward that goal…if you take steps forward.
Only when you trust will you act. So if you don’t trust that what you want to create is for your highest good, will be a successful endeavor, or will come to fruition, you won’t try to create it.
7. You aren’t taking bold action to create what matters to you.
We live in a physical world where it takes action to bring things into reality. And this is true even when working with spiritual laws, like the Law of Attraction. You must do something beyond visualization or positive thinking to create something.
Sometimes, taking action to create what matters to you feels scary. Do it anyway.
Waiting for the courage to act is a broken strategy. Courage is bold action.
8. You haven’t adopted an identity that helps you create what matters.
Ultimately, you must be someone who can create what matters to you. If you believe you aren’t someone who can create what you value, you’ll never do it.
You must be someone who can create what matters to you. Adopt that identity, and your habits and mindsets align with that who you are being. That means you’ll suddenly gain the ability to create what matters to you.
If you aren’t sure how you will become someone different or adopt a new identity, I invite you to join me at a free, three-day mastermind I’m hosting on February 11, 12, and 14, 2025. It’s called “Create What Really Matters to You.” Register here.
During these three sessions, I’ll teach you how to be the type of person who will do the things you want to do to finally create what you want but haven’t been able to create. I’ll show you how to stop being a victim of circumstances and stand in your power as a creator, which is your true identity.
Of the eight reasons above, which one (or more) prevents you from creating what matters to you?
Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.