
Join Me . . . and I Will Personally Show You how
to become a High-Performance Writer

Dear Writer,

I’m Nina Amir, author of The Author Training Manual (and 22 other books) and founder of the Nonfiction Writers’ University. I help people go from aspiring writers and authors to published writers and authors. This allows them to realize their dream of sharing their message or story with the world.

But a lot of aspiring writers continue to “aspire” rather than become writers. They don’t write, or they don’t write consistently. And some people who do become writers get stuck as aspiring authors. They never publish a word of their work. And still others get started—and feel so excited to see their words flowing onto the computer screen—only to get discouraged, fearful, or overwhelmed and stop writing.

These descriptions may sound familiar to you, especially if you have ever had any of these challenges:

  • You write sporadically rather than consistently.
  • You don’t finish the writing projects you start.
  • You procrastinate rather than write.
  • You refuse to do some to the tasks you know will help you get published.
  • You allow life to “get in the way” of achieving your writing dream.
  • You talk more about writing than actually writing.
  • You feel overwhelmed by what the process of authorship entails.
  • You are too tired most days to write.
  • You have no time to write.
  • You feel afraid to publish your work.

Me, too!


Nina Amir, Certified High Performance coach and bestselling author and author coach/trainer

I used to think I didn’t have even one good idea for an article, blog post, or book. So, I wouldn’t query magazines, start s blog, reach out to agents and editors, or consider writing a full-length book manuscript. Plus, I had four kids in the house—two stepchildren and two biological children. I was tired and had too much on my plate already. If I did sit down to work, inevitably the school called to say one of my kids had forgotten something or was sick, which meant I had to stop writing.

When my children were older and I had fewer responsibilities as a parent, I sometimes got stuck in self-doubt, fear, and overwhelm. And I just wanted to write… I didn’t want to create websites, promote myself on social media, or speak to audiences. I know these would help me publish successfully, so I tried taking on these tasks, but I did it halfheartedly—and my results reflected that poor attempt at successful authorship.

Plus, despite calling myself a writer—even a journalist and blogger—I didn’t write on a daily basis. I made other things a priority—like social media updates, calling my mom, cleaning the house, and…well…just about anything else I could think of.

But I wasn’t happy—with my results or myself. I wanted more…I wanted to become a successfully published author and a productive and prolific writer.

Yet, I was seriously tempted to quit.

I had studied personal development since my mid 20s. I’d read books, attended workshops, and even hired coaches. So, I knew there was only one problem—and it was not my busy life or responsibilities. It was me.

I was standing in the way of my success.

When I realized that, I began to apply what I’d learned to help me write and take the necessary steps to become an author. I worked on changing my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs to ones that would support my writing endeavors. I developed new routines and habits. I did affirmations. I visualized. I created to-do lists and schedules. I put myself out into the world in a bigger way as a blogger and speaker as well as on social media.

As a result, I ended up getting published. In addition to my work as a journalist, I self-published a few short books. Then, I landed my first traditional publishing book deal.

But that didn’t mean I was miraculously transformed into a writer with a daily writing schedule or the ability to churn out book after book.

Yes, in about six years I produced three traditionally published books and as many ebooks (not to mention the constant stream of blog posts and a second edition of one of my books). But I wasn’t as organized or productive as I wanted to be. I still wasn’t working on a book manuscript on a daily basis. I didn’t always have the clarity I needed to take my next best step as an author or to earn a decent living from my work. I didn’t always step out courageously to create a bigger audience. And I was gaining weight, having circulation issues in my legs, struggling with my marriage, and feeling pretty lethargic and depressed.

Something had to change. That’s when I turned back to personal development. I attended some classes, and I hired a Certified High Performance Coach. And everything did, indeed, start to change.

The more I worked on myself, the more everything—including my writing—improved. I created a morning routine and started meditating, journaling, and working consistently on a book manuscript every day. I began to exercise four to seven times per week, and I watched my diet, slept seven to eight hours each night, and drank more water. I began to feel energized, enthusiastic, and happy. Plus, I took bolder action toward my career as an author (and coach), such as doing Instagram and Facebook live events. On top of all that, I began to deal more honestly and authentically with everyone I met, which helped me improve my relationships.

The more I cleaned up my life and I leveled up how I showed up in that life, the more easily I moved toward all my goals—including my writing goals. I had meetings with acquisitions editors and publishers, spoke to audiences, produced book proposals, added weekly video to a blog, and move with clarity and courage toward creating a successful and lucrative writing career.

The more I worked on my self, the more "on purpose" I became and the more ability I developed to get out of my own way and succeed.

The writers who have worked with me as their Certified High Performance Coach have seen similar results from their willingness to embrace personal development as a way to become writers and authors. One client created a schedule that allowed her to run three blogs, drop her literary agent, and land a two-book publishing contract.

Another went from never writing at all to doing so daily. Her identity changed from wannabe writer to writer. Her goal was to publishing something for her audience before the end of the year, and she did that. She’s now working on a second book that she plans to publish traditionally.

These people achieved the results described by completing my High-Performance Writer group coaching program. When I saw how many writers were struggling to write consistently, share their work courageously, and manage all the moving parts involved in authorship and publishing, I decided to offer these people an affordable Certified High Performance Coaching program—just for writers.

It’s the same exact 12-session program that I participated in and the same one used with Olympic athletes, Fortune 50 CEOs, performers like Usher (and his team), and celebrities like Oprah (and her team). It’s a research-backed, results-oriented, proven personal development program that helps anyone get from where they are to where they want to go—even writers.

The first six sessions of the High-Performance Writer program provide you with tools, habits, and mindsets to help you gain more:

  • Clarity—When you are clear, you can make decisions, like what book to write (and how to write it) or whether or not to start a blog. You also can choose how you want to show up in the world and how to become that person.
  • Courage—Sharing your work with others—even publishing your work—takes courage. Increase the amount of courage you feel, and you can approach all the tasks that go with authorship boldly, including promotion, tackling tough topics, changing your habits, and approaching literary agents.
  • Energy—When you know how to generate the energy you need to write, you’ll stop making excuses about being too tired. Plus, as you learn to manage your energy, you’ll approach writing with an enhanced ability to focus, tap into your creativity, and get in the writing flow.
  • Productivity—Learn to turn on a productivity switch every time you sit down at the computer. It’s possible to write without distraction when you develop strategies and habits that help you consistently turn out your best work on demand.
  • Influence—Sometimes writers have to persuade themselves to change habits so they can become productive and successful. For instance, you might have to persuade yourself to get up earlier to write daily. But authors also need to become influential with the members of their audience—that’s how they sell books. Become a leader who steps up and provides value to everyone with whom you come into contact.

Once you’ve completed those first six sessions, you move on to mastery:

  • Psychology Mastery—Manage your mind by decreasing negative self-talk and thinking. Consciously direct your mind toward accomplishing your goals in a positive manner.
  • Physiology Mastery—Increase your energy so you feel fabulous and able to function at peak capacity all day long. Bring high and positive energy to your writing and everything you do.
  • Productivity Mastery—Crush it every day! Knock off the items on your to-do list, churn out pages of your manuscript, and move forward faster than you thought possible with your writing project and career.
  • Persuasion Mastery—Become a role model that challenges others and helps people discover new ways to think about and see themselves and the world. Plan your conversations, so you improve your relationships—even with your readers.
  • Purpose Mastery—Develop a purpose statement you can use to guide your days, writing, and promotions. With this GPS, you’ll never get lost again and you increase your chances of fulfilling your purpose.

Each of the sessions takes place in a Zoom video meeting room, and involves live coaching and training. You get a chance to work with me one-on-one in almost every session, if you like. And you get access to a members’ area where you can find recordings of every session as well as handouts designed to help you take each weekly session deeper.

The High-Performance Writer program will give you a clear map of how to get from where you are to where you want to go. By the time you complete the program, you’ll have moved out of struggle and begun to take purposeful steps toward your vision of writing success. You’ll be managing life more effectively, so life will rarely get in the way of your writing. And, you’ll have accomplished more in three months than you might have in the previous year.

There are lots of programs out there for writers. Most teach you how to write or how to publish. None of them tell you how to create the mindsets and habits necessary to succeed as a writer and author. That’s because none of them offer a personal development program.

But personal development is the secret sauce to success—for everyone, including writers.

When you register for the High-Performance Writer program, you don’t just get any old Certified High Performance Coach. You get a Certified High Performance Coach who knows what it means to be a writer and author. Yes, I’m a Certified High Performance Coach, I'm also a writer and author—both traditionally published and self-published. I’m also an Author, Blog, and Book Coach. I know what it means to struggle to write consistently, publish your work, and build an author platform. I’ve been there and done that…

That experience was tough. It took me years to move through some of my own limiting beliefs, unsupportive habits, and unhelpful ways of showing up. And it took a lot of coaching, reading, learning, and mentoring to get me over the hump and moving toward my aspirations.

It doesn’t have to be that hard or take you that long.

I could offer you the chance to hire me as your Certified High Performance Coach and to work with me one-on-one (and you do have that option). But that would cost you a lot more money… If you were to price private Certified High Performance Coaching, you’d find that the average cost for 12 sessions is $6,000—and most writers can’t afford that price.

I want to help writers like you succeed—at an affordable price and in a short time period. That’s why I created the High-Performance Writer program. Because it is a group coaching program, I can charge less. This program only costs $497 for the same 12 sessions, which means the investment is just 8% of the total cost of private coaching, but you receive the EXACT SAME VALUE.

I agree with what my former group coaching clients have told me: you actually get a unique experience in the High-Performance Writer group coaching program, because you get to learn from the other participants, too. When you listen to someone else getting coached, you may resonate with their experiences and gain great insights into your own behavior, thoughts, and actions. Group learning is enormously powerful.

When you register today for the High-Performance Writer program, you receive $856 worth of bonuses as well—programs and sessions meant to help you move even faster toward becoming a successful writer and author. If you register by December 20, I’ll give you—for free:

  • The High-Performance Writer 4-week Email course (Value: $59)—this online course includes 8 informative and inspirational tips, a weekly video, and a prerecorded webinar. It’s a super way to get motivated toward high performance—and you can go back and read or watch the messages over and over again.
  • 1 EXTRA (final) High-Performance BONUS session (Value: $450)—This session helps you get an overview of the amazing progress you made in 12 weeks and determine in what areas you still need to level up. High performance is an ongoing process, which means you always want to know what to work on next to continue towards become your best self—as a person and a writer.
  • A 1-on-1 (private) session (Value: $150)—This is your chance to speak with me privately about anything related to becoming a successful writer and author.
  • The Productive Writer Course (Value: $197)—Every writer strives to be more productive. That’s why I created a course that only offers information on how to become focused, effective, and energized for productivity. If you want to crush your writing next year—or any time—this online program holds the key to achieving that goal.

If you’re still on the fence, consider this: I’m offering a 14-day money-back guarantee. If, after the first two sessions, you don’t feel like you are getting what you expected or making progress—if you just find that Certified High Performance Coaching is not your cup of tea—cancel. I’ll refund your money and even get on the phone with you to help you discover your next steps.

You’ve only got until December 20 to register for the High-Performance Writer Program. At that time, I’ll close registration…until 2020. So this is your only time this year to take advantage of all this program has to offer you.

Plus, I only have 20 spots in this session. I limit how many people can enroll so I am sure I can give everyone the attention they deserve. Some of those spots are already taken. (If there are any spots open after December 20 and you register late, you'll lose out on the great bonuses.)

Here’s an extra video I recorded that discusses the #1 objection I hear to joining the High-Performance Writer Program.

Ready to take control of yourself and your life…so you can take control of your writing career? Ready to step into your best self—and rock your writing in the New Year (and every year afterward)? Awesome!

To register for the January 2019 session of High-Performance Writer and get a full summary of what you get when you do so, click here.

If you take action now, you get all 12 “core” Certified High Performance Coaching sessions—and the opportunity to be coached by me, 12 powerful worksheets, all the recordings of your session plus a weekly follow-up email detailing what we discussed, AND an EXTRA session to help you gauge your progress and how to continue leveling up. Plus, you get all four bonuses I mentioned (plus two I didn’t mention—a Facebook group and a copy of Brendon Burchard’s book,  Life’s Golden Ticket). Remember: If there are any spots left after December 20 and you wait…and register late, you’ll LOSE all the bonuses with the exception of the extra coaching session. That would be a shame…

No one else will tell you that personal development is the secret sauce to success in any endeavor—including writing. But I know this to be true, and I see the life-changing results of the High-Performance Writer group coaching program in participant’s lives.

You don’t have to believe me. Just read what my past program participants have said.

I’ve devoted my life to helping writers get out of their own way so they can succeed. I’d be honored to help you do that so you can stop feeling unable for any reason to achieve your dream of becoming a writer and author.

Your words can make a powerful difference in readers’ lives. Don’t wait…or keep your readers waiting. Too many writers say they will write later, and then later doesn’t come. They never start, finish, or publish their work.

Don’t let that be you. Step up and invest in yourself, your story, your message, your books…and your career as a writer.


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Nina Amir

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.