If Failure Was Not An Option…

If failure was not an option, what would you do differently? By that I mean, if you just refused to fail, how would you act? If you said to yourself, “No matter what I will not fail. I will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until I succeed.” If that was your attitude and your approach to… work… relationships… health… fitness… life, how would you behave?

I wear a bracelet,developed by a young boy who had brain cancer. He decided it would be a nice thing if kids like him and their families had a house to stay in while they were in visiting the doctor’s at a hospital in San Joseย or where the children’s families could stay while the children were in that hospital – a bit like Ronald McDonald House. He died before his dream came true. It did come true, though. The bracelet he asked people to purchase to help raise money for his cause says, “Never, ever give up.”

Wearing that bracelet reminds me what it means to remove failure as an option. It reminds me of what it takes to achieve success.

As an exercise today, try completing this sentence: “If failure was not an option, I would…” Complete the sentence five to ten times. You might be surprised at what you would do if you only allowed yourself to succeed.


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