You are a generator. You can generate whatever state of mind or being you need or want. For instance, you can generate joy, energy, peace, productivity, or presence.
Do you generate the state of mind or being you want or need, or do you wait for it miraculously to arrive?
Every time we have a big storm where I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California, I remember the generator that sits along the side of my house. Inevitably, the wind and rain cause trees to fall, taking the power lines with them. When the electricity goes out, that generator gives my home power. It generates electricity.
Sometimes, if we haven’t taken care of the generator, the power goes off, and we are left sitting in the dark…waiting. The generator doesn’t work. Occasionally, we have to wait a long time…days…until the electricity comes back on. These incidents remind me that I have the ability to generate electricity. I just have to take care to ensure my generator works.
You are no different, though. You are a generator. You can ensure your generator works when you need it.
If you want more energy, generate it! There are so many ways to do so, such as exercising, sleeping more, eating a healthy diet, doing breathing exercises, or meditating.
If you want more joy in your life, generate it! Focus on positive thoughts, do things that make you happy, create triggers to remind yourself to feel grateful, and move your body to create happy hormones.
Not only do such activities help you generate the state of being you desire, but they also keep your generator tuned up and ready to work when you need it. If you suddenly feel sad or low on energy, you can turn on your generator and kick it into high gear. Generate joy and energy at will.
How will you become a generator and what will you generate? Tell me in a comment below.