Do you hear things? No…I don’t think you are crazy, but I know you have the ability to hear things that aren’t audible to other people. If you listen, you can hear messages meant only for you.
I’m talking about listening to (and hearing) intuitive messages as well as messages from Source (you can call this God, if you like) or from your guides.
Yes, I believe in all of these things. And I try to listen for such messages daily.
I don’t always hear them, though. I think it’s because I don’t listen well enough. I don’t get quiet and allow myself to focus on hearing.
Sometimes I don’t ask for guidance. If I do remember to ask, sometimes I don’t bother to listen for the response.
How about you? Do you believe you receive messages? And do you hear them? Are you a good listener?
Maybe you feel or see messages rather than hear them. Some people get a physical sensation they can interpret as a message. Others see something, like a picture or writing on a billboard that seems meant just for them. Or the message could come in the form of words to a song on the radio…
When I listen well, I always hear the messages…loud and clear. It might sound like my voice in my head, but I know it could be the Still Small Voice of Source, my guides or my Higher Self.
I just have to listen…and hear…the messages meant just for you.
Do you hear or receive messages? Tell me about your experiences in a comment below.