Monday Inspiration: Make Progress

Inspirational tools

Do you ever feel like you’re progressing as slow as molasses? Like you’re putting in the effort to get to your destination but it’s just not happening fast enough?

I not only feel like this, but I feel like this a lot. However, what I’ve realized is that as long as I’m making progress, I’m moving in the right direction.

Even if the progress is slow, it’s still progress—and maybe going a little slower is the best way to get where you want to go.

Here are a few things that I want you to remember when you feel that sinking sensation of “I’m not getting anywhere…”

Progress is progress

It sounds stupidly obvious, but I can’t tell you just how many people (including me) overlook this maxim.

Baby steps are still steps…They’re still progress.

Acknowledge the tiny steps you take every day. Before you know it, you’ll have arrived at your destination.

Have joy in the process

When we’re moving slowly, we tend to be dissatisfied and unhappy. We want to move faster. But you need to find joy in the journey, joy in the process of getting where you want to go.

My husband gets frustrated when he has to drive home in the traffic. I tell him to get on the road, turn on some music, and enjoy the ride. It’s the same with progress in our lives. No matter the pace at which you’re moving, find joy in the fact that you are moving forward.

Consider your priorities

Maybe you’re trying to tackle too much at once. If you have too much on your plate, it will stop you from moving forward.

Prioritize your steps, and take them one-at-a-time. Tackle one thing, then move on to the next.

Think about Scheduling

Have you made a deadline for your goals? Have you blocked out time in the day for your plans?

Working on your goals means making time for your goals and setting a timeline on when you’ll accomplish them.

This is the only way to know you are making progress.

Respect the universe

Progress will happen, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, it happens in its own time.

No matter what deadlines you set, the universe might have other plans.

Instead of fighting it, have faith in the process and acknowledge that everything will happen when it’s supposed to. If the universe wants you to move slow, accept the reality and just keep plowing ahead.

Hopefully these tips have inspired you to embrace a fresh attitude about progress. Remember to keep moving forward and to enjoy the journey. Be satisfied in the progress you make every day.

Any progress, no matter how great or small, is something worth celebrating.

Are you making progress?

If you would like to become a high performer, read my ebook, 20 High-Performance Strategies and Habits You Can Implement TODAY! Get a FREE COPY when you fill out the form below. (The ebook will arrive attached to an email.)

Don’t wait! It’s your time…now…to level up so you can achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose and live your life fully.

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