When I walked into the health club today, I noticed that every time someone saw me, their eyes went straight down to look at my bright pink sneakers. At first, it made me a little uncomfortable…it felt like my fun neon shoes were attracting too much attention.
Then I thought, “Why should I feel uncomfortable?” After all, I was just expressing myself. I was being authentic. I was showing my true colors, and I love colors. I wear black and white sometimes, but I love colors.
The colors to which we are drawn say something about us. Colors have an energy—a psychological effect on us. (If you don’t believe me, research chromotherapy or Google the meaning of certain colors.) On different days, you might feel like wearing different colors. One day you might want to wear black because you’re not feeling so great. But consider how you would feel if you put on red that day. You might perk up.
Put on your own neon sneakers and see if you don’t feel a million times better.
Show your true colors
I challenge you to show your true colors. Channel your inner Cyndi Lauper, and show the world who you really are.
Don’t be afraid to put on a bright color or wear something funky. If you always have wanted to pierce your nose, do it. Take a risk, and be authentic.
I, for example, love crystals, but I never used to wear them. I thought some people would be put off by them and think I was weird or flaky. But now I wear them all the time. I want to show the world who I really am.
Of course, there are some situations where pink sneakers and crystals would be inappropriate. I wouldn’t go to a corporation to speak or train wearing bright and shiny neon. I cater my attire to my audience. I want them to accept me. If they immediately judge me because of something I’m wearing, then I’m not going to get my message across.
That doesn’t mean I might not wear a crystal, though! And I likely won’t wear a traditional suit either.
In general, when I go out into the world and I meet people, I want to attract people who like my pink shoes and my crystals.
So show your true colors. It’s the only way to connect with people who adore the authentic you.
Do you show your true colors on a regular basis, and what does that look like? Tell me in a comment below.