Monday Inspiration: Wake Up!


Are you asleep? Do you sleep walk through life? Maybe you don’t know because you aren’t aware of the fact that you are, indeed, spending the majority of your time unconscious. But if you are, indeed, asleep most of the time, you are missing out on the best that life has to offer you.

With the constant drone of televisions, the call of computers and phones, and the general noise of life, it’s easy to tune out and become numb to what goes on around you. When that happens, you stop experience life to it’s fullest. In fact, you don’t experience much at all. You remain unconscious or asleep.

Today, I challenge you to shake yourself into wakefulness. Raise your consciousness of life—your life.

Take a cold shower. Navigate your home or office with your eyes closed. Spend some time just listening. Go outside and watch nature, people, and animals. In other words, awaken your senses.

Additionally, try to use your intuition. Look for that gut response to things…and then take action upon it. Notice subtle energy changes in your body and around your body. Become aware of what changes your mood.

Awaken to what happens inside you and outside you. Wake up! Then experience life anew.

Do you think you have been awake or asleep?

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