People Change

People change. Sometimes they change for the better, sometimes they change for the worse.

There’s a person in my family that I haven’t seen in a number of years that I had to spend time with recently. We tend to avoid each other. We don’t get along. However, we managed this time to be civil to each other…to actually have a conversation–not about anything too important–and to be in the same room and not to laps into yelling and screaming.

It was nice.

Now, I supposed the change in behavior could have been an act. I prefer to think that possibly this person has changed a bit…or had a desire to get along. That would be nice.

It’s good to forgive, move forward, get along.

Are there people in your life with whom you need to mend fences? Could you simply decide to try harder to get along? Could you find it within yourself to change your energy around them or to behave just a bit differently so you could have an enjoyable time rather than a stressful one? Could you try to change…just a little?

People do change. It’s possible.

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