Start the New Year with a Clean Slate

Clean slateThe New Year is a clean slate upon which you can draw or write the next 12 months of your life. Visualize a black or whiteboard, and yourself with the chalk or pen in hand. You get to decide what goes on that slate.

Before you begin to write or draw on that slate, take a moment to think about what you want to create in the New Year.

  • What qualities would you like the next 12 months to have?
  • How would you like to feel?
  • What would you like to accomplish?
  • With whom would you like to spend your time?
  • How do you want to show up or who do you want to become?
  • What will you leave behind or bring with you?

Once you have a clear picture of the year you want to create, you can use your clean slate to bring that year to life.

Imagine the Past is Past

For this exercise to work for you, it’s important to leave the past in the past. You have to see your clean slate devoid of anything that happened before. (If you feel the need to clean up the past, read this post.)

There are no shadows of past items written on the slate that didn’t entirely disappear when you wiped the board clean. They are gone…never to be seen again. The board looks brand new.

It’s ready for you to use. Just begin writing or drawing your year.

Use the Slate

The New Year is an opportunity to examine every area of your life and decide how you want it to look going forward. Be sure you consider your:

  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Free time

How will you fill the clean slate in each area? Again…make these decisions as if you have no baggage from the past to bring forward into the New Year.

For instance, think about the area of health. Would you like to get in the best shape of your life, drop 20 pounds, run a marathon, or have the strength to go mountain climbing? Maybe you would like to have more energy or to feel more alive, rested, and energetic.

See yourself writing these things on your clean slate. Be specific about what you want.

Plan How to Turn a Clean Slate into Your Life

It’s all well and good to write down the things you want to create in the New Year. And I’m a firm believer in the ability to manifest the things you can clearly identify and see as if they are already real.

But that’s not enough.

Now that you know what you want to have filling your clean slate determine the steps you have to take to manifest them. What do you have to do or set up?

For instance, if you want to have the physical strength to go mountain climbing, what would it take for you to accomplish that goal? Perhaps you need to hire a personal trainer or lift weights daily. Possibly you need to go to a rock climbing gym three times per week.

If you want to earn more than you spend and get out of debt, you might need to create a budget or come up with a way to pay off your credit card bills and start saving money. Maybe you need to see a debt specialist or a financial expert.

Create a plan to fill your clean slate—not just metaphorically but in reality. Plan how you will create what you want in every area of your life in New Year.

Your Vision Board

If writing words on your clean slate doesn’t excite you, and you’ve already identified what you want in the New Year and how you’ll get it, create a vision board.

A vision board can be made with a large piece of poster board and pictures that depict the life you want in the coming year. Sometimes the vision board also will have words on it.

Grab some old magazines and start cutting out the images that look like the life you want. They also should help you feel the joy, satisfaction, gratitude, and excitement (or any other positive emotion) that would come from having these things in your life.

Hang your vision board somewhere where you can see it every day. Each time you look at the images, feel what it would be like to have that life…now.

New year, new…clean…slate. What will you fill it with? Tell me in a comment below.

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