Support Your Dreams So They Become Reality

take action on your dreamsI’m a dreamer. How about you? But dreams don’t do us much good if they stay in our heads.

I’ve been known to act on my dreams…even without a whole lot of planning or forethought. Sometimes that’s okay. It’s better to take action to make your dreams a reality than to do nothing at all. You always can learn from your mistakes and perfect what you create on the way to manifesting your dreams. It’s better to bring Dream 1.0 into the world and then introduce Dream 2.0 later, if necessary, than to be left with Dream 0.0.

I remember when I had the idea for a line of greeting cards. I couldn’t stop myself; I had to bring them into the world. I figured out how to have the cut-out art I created reproduced with thermography, and I published them. I didn’t know how I was going to sell them…or If I’d make my money back…but I put them out into the world. It felt great to just do it…to not have to say, “I had a dream of creating a line of greeting cards, but I never pursued it.”

Dream Support

You have to support your own dreams. You have to nurture them, and you have to help them gestate and give birth to them. You have to bring them into the world.

Sometimes you need help doing so, though. For more than 25 years, I’ve had a husband who supports me and my dreams. I have a few friends who are always there to tell me to “go for it”!

It’s important to gather around you people who will support your dreams. It takes a lot of energy to bring them into the world. If the people you tell about your dreams tell you that you will never be able to manifest your dream or that your dream is stupid, ill conceived, flawed, or not worth pursuing for any reason, you need to surround yourself with different people. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t develop objectivity or get objective feedback, but you need supporters–people who will tell you how to manifest your dream and how to improve upon your dream so it can succeed. You want people around you who will help your dream grow and thrive, not people who will hold it down or crush it.

American actor, comedian, entertainer, television/radio personality, and author Steve Harvey does a phenomenal job of explaining why you should only share your dreams with open-minded, large-minded people—not small-minded people. Listen to this clip of him speaking about this topic during Oprah’s Life Class.

Take Action on Your Dreams

Not long ago, professional blogger and author Darren Rowse spoke about “Getting Dreams Out of Your Head” at Chris Guillebeau‘s World Domination Summit. When it comes to encouraging you to dream big and to act upon those dreams, I don’t know that I can do a better job than Darren did. So, watch this video, too. Then leave me a common and tell me about your dream…and how you plan to make it a reality.

Image by nito|

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