
change your beliefs to create your desired future.

The One Strategy You Need to Finally Create the Future You Desire

You need only one strategy to finally create the future you desire. Stop recreating the past by believing what happened before will happen again. Said another way, stop living in the past. That’s it. Plain and simple. (Maybe not easy.) Your Beliefs Recreate the Past Whatever you believe, you create. However, most of your beliefs […]

The One Strategy You Need to Finally Create the Future You Desire Read More »

manifestation secrets

Why You Need Commitment, Belief, and Courage to Create Your Desires

Looking for manifestation secrets? A quick Google search will produce many links leading you to hidden information to help you create your desires. Many of those strategies work, yet most lack a few foundational pieces. Specifically, they don’t mention the importance of commitment, belief, and courage in the creation process. Focused attention, visualization, affirmations, and

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conscious and deliberate creation--historical perspective

Proof that Creative Thought or Conscious Creation has a Historical Foundation

When you hear the words “conscious creation,” “deliberate creation,” “creative thought,” or “Law of Attraction,” do you cringe and dismiss these philosophies as a bunch of hooey or undocumented woo-woo beliefs? You probably aren’t alone. However, these principles actually have a historical foundation and were popular long before the release of “The Secret” documentary in

Proof that Creative Thought or Conscious Creation has a Historical Foundation Read More »

More than Meets the Eye

When I began studying metaphysics, or maybe I should say when I became part of the New Age Movement and started studying anything and everything slightly “woo woo” in nature, I learned that there is more to reality than meets the eye. Interestingly enough, later on, I discovered that scientists, specifically quantum physicians, proved this

More than Meets the Eye Read More »

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


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