Sometimes starting feels like the hardest thing you can do. The first step is the most difficult, but when you take action, you create the energy to keep yourself moving forward. And each step becomes easier than the last.
Think of a baby taking its first steps. The first step leads to the second and then the impulsion generated seems to drive the child onward.
I’ve had the same experience when writing a book or article. I struggle to get the initial paragraph written. I might procrastinate and fight internally to get myself to the computer. Once I begin writing, however, the words pour out of me effortlessly.
I recently had to take a break from my exercise program. I kept thinking about getting back to the gym. When the day came this week when I could get there to exercise, I procrastinated until it was too late to go. Getting started felt hard! I was out of the exercise habit. The next day, I forced myself to go, and I’ve now worked out three out of the last four days!
Now going to exercise feels easy! I’m excited to get started each day. And every day that I work out generates more energy within me to continue with my program.
What do you want to start doing? Identify the first step you must take, and then take it!
Maybe you want to lose weight. Start by eating smaller portions at your next meal. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, choose one chord to practice. If you want to complete a marathon, run around the block.
Just start. Take one baby step toward your goal. And then take another and another. Before you know it, you’ll be moving more quickly than you thought possible toward your goal.
For that to happen, though, you need to take action.
What baby step will you take this week to get into action?