Three Fabulous Ways to Finally Feel Like Yourself Again

How to feel like yourself again.

Have you ever suddenly realized you feel like yourself…again? You may not have realized you didn’t feel like yourself before that moment. Or maybe you are conscious of the fact that you don’t feel like yourself but don’t know how to change that experience.

In either case, I’ve got good news for you. There are some fabulous ways to get back to a state of feeling like yourself. And they are pretty straightforward, as well.

Not Feeling Like Myself

For at least a decade, I had a vague feeling—maybe even a conscious understanding—that I wasn’t feeling like myself. Something was a bit off, and I had some ideas about what was causing the problem.

Yet, I didn’t do much about it. So, no surprise, nothing changed.

Then, I decided to do something I hadn’t done in a long time… I decided to take some solid steps toward being a writer and author again.

Since I was a young child, I have been a writer. In high school, I began receiving publishing credits in newspapers. I went on to study magazine journalism in college, and all my “real” jobs involved writing and editing. Plus, I freelanced for a variety of publications. Later, I went on to write my own books and publish them traditionally and independently. I became an author.

Then, I hit a wall. The reasons aren’t important, but I stopped writing (except blog posts). I focused on building a business around my existing books, making money, and coaching.

I guess you could say, “I lost myself.” But I didn’t feel “lost” as much as “not myself”—like I was being someone else. I wasn’t doing anything characteristic of my identity as a writer (other than blogging).

Also, I wasn’t riding horses, and I’ve always had the identity of “equestrian.” Plus, I wasn’t pursuing my more metaphysical and esoteric interests or expressing those beliefs; I’d always called myself the “woo-woo lady.”

So, I wasn’t being myself. I wasn’t expressing what I would call my true identity. No wonder I didn’t feel like myself.

My Identity Shift

Until I had an identity shift. I switched back to “writer”—more than coach or entrepreneur. How? I committed to completing a book proposal and finding a new literary agent. And I kept that commitment to myself.

I pursued publishing deals for two other book projects. Additionally, I asked for and received the rights to one of my books, which was no longer in print with the existing publisher. Then, I met with a publishing colleague to discuss bringing this book back to market.

Finally, just this past week, I re-released a revised and expanded version of one of the books in my Write Nonfiction NOW! Series—the Guide to Writing a Book in 30 Days. I self-published this in both a print and ebook version. This was the first time I went through this process without assistance in a decade and the first time I’d published a new book in four years.

Additionally, I focused attention on my spiritual interests. I even recreated most of the curriculum in my Inspired Creator Community program to reflect my passions and beliefs. This allowed me to share a new coaching style and content that will eventually go into another book project.

Last, I contacted a horse rehab center that also offers trail rides. I have yet to ride, but I can go and pet horses or watch riders. Eventually, I’ll be given a chance to ride as well.

Three Steps to Finally Being Yourself

Let’s break down what I did and how you can take the same three steps and finally feel like yourself again.

1. Remember your identity.

Your identity is not fixed. It changes over time, and you can alter it intentionally. However, parts of your identity are inherent to who you are.

For example, I have identified as a writer most of my life. I even chose a career related to writing. Plus, writing is my unique gift, and I believe it’s how I fulfill my purpose in this lifetime.

I’ve also identified as an equestrian and a woo-woo lady for much of my life. I started riding when I was seven years old. I began exploring metaphysics and esoteric traditions in my late 20s.

These gifts, passions, and interests have molded who I believe I am—my identity. I don’t feel like myself when I don’t express these identities.

Therefore, the first step to feeling like yourself again is to identify your most prevalent identities.

  • Who are you?
  • Who do you believe you are?
  • Who were you in the past that you aren’t now?
  • Who do you miss being?
  • Who were you being when you felt the most like yourself?

Once you have remembered these identities, you know who you must be to feel like yourself again. Your mindsets and behaviors will then align with your identity.

2. Identify your passions, interests, and gifts.

I feel most like myself when I am pursuing my passions, interests, and gifts. As I shared, these are horses, metaphysics and esoteric teachings, and writing. I am also happy, centered, and energized when I am involved in these activities.

What are your passions, interests, and gifts? You need to identify them.

If you believe you don’t have any, think again. In fact, think back to the past.

  • What used to jazz you?
  • What floated your boat?
  • What couldn’t you stop talking about?
  • What did you want to do all the time?
  • What were you good at?
  • What did people come to you for help with because they knew you were good at it?
  • What activities made you feel happy, energized, and fulfilled?

These passions, interests, and gifts are what you need to pursue again. They likely align with the identities you remembered in the previous step. If not, they are related to past identities, and getting involved with them again will help you feel more like yourself.

3. Take action.

What would the “old” you do with this information? Or what actions would the you that feels like yourself take consistently and regularly?

You need to do that to finally feel like yourself again.

Remember, I identified as a writer. So, I started writing and publishing again. I considered myself the woo-woo lady, so I began sharing my knowledge and beliefs personally and professionally. And I identified as an equestrian, so I sought a way to be around horses and ride again.

If you want to finally feel like yourself again, follow these three steps. Before you know it, you’ll be “you” again.

In what ways can you start feeling like yourself again? Tell me in a comment below, and share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

Imagine harnessing your powerful creative ability and creating what you desire. What might become possible? As a transformational coach and certified High-Performance Coach, I’ve seen my clients become people who are able to take the actions necessary to create what matters to them most. You can do the same. Click here, and schedule a quick meeting with me. Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together and what type of coaching would best help you get inspired results.


2 thoughts on “Three Fabulous Ways to Finally Feel Like Yourself Again”

  1. Hi Coach. I read this post -remembering tht I am good with researching/finding things related to history. Finding myself again after the ladt ten days.

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