Did you ever wish you had superpowers? Do you wish you were like Superman, Captain Comet, or the X-Men? Stop wishing and recognize that, you, too, have superpowers.
Everyone has superpowers.
You don’t have to be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, transform yourself into another form, or absorb the impact of bullets to possess superpowers. Your superpowers might be things that seems ordinary to you but quite extraordinary to others. And you can develop new superpowers as well.
Discover Your Superpowers
Think about it. Are you so good at something that people often comment on your unusual ability?
Can you:
- Repair a broken limb
- Quickly add several nine-digit numbers in your head
- Remove tumors from the bod
- Write a villanelle poem
- Speed read (and retain the information) a 200-page book in less than an three hours
- Give someone a fabulous haircut
- Make your child laugh after falling off a bike
- Transform someone’s life through personal coaching
- Write a story that takes a reader to a new and exciting place in their imagination
- Create culinary masterpieces
- Design the perfect wedding reception
If you can do any one of these—or something else entirely, that’s your superpower.
You have Superpowers
We all have some sort of superpower. To us, the ability seems mundane. To others, it seems like something out of this world!
My current superpowers include the ability to ideate, to write, to support other people’s transformation, and to inspire.
Learn to acknowledge your superpowers—your special gifts or talents. If you don’t know what they are, ask some friends or family members what they consider things you do really well or better than others.
Choose New Superpowers
Also consider what superpowers you’d like to possess—and develop them.
I want to develop a speed-reading and a name-remembering superpower. I also want to enhance my intuitive and psychic superpowers—and my wealth-attraction superpower.
Maybe you’d like to be able to run several marathons per year, bend spoons with your mind, or sew a wedding dress. These are all skills you can learn (yes, even bending spoons). You can learn to remember a grocery list of 20 or more items. You can develop the body of a professional weight lifter (and have superhuman strength) even if you are past midlife. You can learn to be totally present in the moment, to levitate, or to dowse with a pendulum.
I can learn my new superpowers, too. I just need to seek resources that support their development.
The One Thing that Prevents You from Becoming a Superhero
The only thing holding you back from becoming a superhero is you. If you believe you don’t have superpowers or can’t develop them, you’ll find it impossible to recognize the ones you already possess or to master new ones in the future.
Today, make a list of the superpowers you already exhibit. Then make a list of the superpowers you’d like to possess.
Then take action. Find a teacher or mentor. Start an internship or apprenticeship. Take a course. Read a book.
And it goes without saying… Commit to using your superpowers for good. After all, the world needs more superheroes, and you can become one. In fact, you already are one.
What are your superpowers?

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