Be a Change Agent: Create Change from the Inside Out

become a change agentWe exist at a time in history unlike any other. At the same time that the world seems to be in turmoil, human consciousness continues moving towards a peak in its evolution.

Out of chaos always comes order. Before things get better, they often get worse. Before a situation comes together, sometimes it has to  fall apart.

Maybe you’ve experienced this. I know I have…on multiple occasions. Even as I write this, I feel as if certain parts of my life are crumbling.

I know, however, that I have a choice about how I put the pieces together. I am in control of my life and my world.

We exist in a time of enormous change, but change simply is a fact of life. You can fight this fact, or you can accept it. Make a decision to be a change agent—to become an active participant in creating the necessary positive change in your life and in the world.

Change Begins Within

To do so, you don’t have to become an activist, although you can. You do, however, have to change yourself. Such change begins with your consciousness.

You decide to do something differently. The first thing you must do differently is change your thoughts. When you change your thoughts, you can change your behavior. To do this, you must become conscious—aware—of your thoughts and behavior.

Most often, we think and behave habitually. Our mind spits out 35 to 48 thoughts per minute. We have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day—most of them the same thoughts over and over again. And those produce the same results day in and day out.

We tend to see what we think about…and to create it. If your thoughts are trained on worry, fear, negative news, and lack, it’s no wonder you see and experience this everywhere. That’s why to see—and to experience—something different (and more positive), you have to become conscious of the thoughts you have and how they create your experiences and your behaviors. Then you can decide to:

  • think new thoughts
  • have new experiences
  • develop new behaviors
  • create new, more-positive things in the world
  • change yourself and the world for the better

Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs keep you stuck. When you become conscious of your current mindset, you can change it. That’s how you change your world and the world.

It’s Worth the Effort

I’m not saying that developing this type of consciousness and making these types of changes is easy. Again, I know from my own experience that it is difficult. Sometimes very difficult. Yet, when you make a decision…when you REALLY, TRULY DECIDE to change, you’ll discover it’s not as hard as you thought. After all, “hard” is just a thought, and you can change that thought.

Personal development revolves around change. I’m passionate about personal development. But you have to train yourself to become conscious of what happens in your mind and how you behave. There is no other way to know what to change or to make the necessary changes.

Start with the decision to change. Commit to it. Know WHY you want to change. Your reasons provide the energy behind your commitment. If you don’t buy into the change on a deep level, if you don’t know why you want to change, you are less likely to follow through with action.

You Can Change the World

You may not like your life or the situations you see around you. Realize that changing yourself can make a difference in both your immediate world and the world at large. Become more conscious. Create changes on the inside, and you will start seeing changes on the outside. Also, make changes on the outside. Take action.

Granted, the outer changes might initially only occur in your life. But consider this: What if all the people in the world went through this same process? What if we all changed our individual worlds so they became more positive? Eventually, the whole world would change, right?

That’s called being a change agent.

Start small.

photo credit: Chalk Talk via photopin (license)

2 thoughts on “Be a Change Agent: Create Change from the Inside Out”

  1. Wow, your post is very inspirational and describes the path to change in an exellent way. I like you decided to change inside and succeeded. But change is a constant process and I still work with myself. Thank you for sharing this great post! I will definitly share it.
    /Charlotte – My Green Nook

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