How to Become a Sourcerer and Access Spiritual Knowledge

Learn how to access spiritual guidance and knowledge

Humans are spiritual beings. Your spiritual nature makes you a “sourcerer.” You can source information and guidance from your Source.

I did not misspell the word “sourcerer.” I intentionally spelled it that way because I do not necessarily mean you are a “sorcerer.” Yet, the words could be used synonymously.

What is a Sourcerer?

Sourcerers are people who can tap into their spiritual nature or connection to Source. For that reason, they access spiritual guidance at will. They also receive it in an almost continuous flow.

“Source” is synonymous with Creator, Divine Mind, God, or All that Is. Your soul or spirit—your spiritual nature—is always connected to Source.

Unfortunately, many humans don’t have an awareness of their spiritual nature. Many mistakenly seek ways to connect with their soul or Source when, in fact, they are already connected.

When you become conscious of this connection, you can access spiritual guidance and step into being a sourcerer.

What is a Sorcerer?

A “sorcerer” is defined as a person who has occult ways to influence the world around them. As a result, they have been called magicians and witches.

This is not surprising since the word “sorcery” refers to the ability to use supernatural powers, witchcraft, or magic to impact the physical world. In many cases, sorcerers have been thought to use black magic, or dark arts, for evil purposes. In some religious circles, sorcery is considered an attempt to circumvent God’s knowledge and sovereignty and to worship Satan instead.

But what if being a sorcerer meant accessing God’s knowledge rather than circumventing it? What if you could use that ability in positive ways? That would mean sorcerers tap into Divine Mind or access spiritual knowledge directly from Source. Their so-called “magic” arises from their understanding of occult and mystical teachings and practices.

That is the truth of the matter. It’s also why I prefer to spell the word “sourcerer” rather than “sorcerer.” You probably realize that sourcerer and sorcerer are similar terms—if not identical—and can be used interchangeably. Any differences might be semantics, but we can agree that, in some cases, one has a negative connotation.

Become a Sourcerer

I’d like to challenge you to become a sourcerer—to source spiritual guidance or knowledge regularly.

The other day, a young client asked me if it was okay to get a Tarot reading. I emphatically said, “Yes!”

After all, a Tarot reading is a way to gain information from Divine Mind or your guides. However, you ask someone else to source Divine guidance for you.

I qualified my answer: “Why not first source the information by doing a Tarot or oracle card reading for yourself? Then you can confirm it by asking someone else to do a reading for you.”

In other words, become a sourcerer. Be the person who can access Divine guidance by yourself.

If you don’t yet trust the information you receive, seek confirmation outside yourself. After a while, you will develop trust and not need external validation.

Strengthen Your Connection to Source

The same client also asked me how to strengthen her connection with her spiritual nature. I explained that she is always connected to her soul and, therefore, Source. Then I suggested she do the following:

  1. Ask her Higher Self, Soul/Spirit, or spiritual nature for guidance. Every day, ask, “What can I do for my highest good?” Then, be aware of the answer. It might come as a subtle message, but note anything that seems like the answer you requested or an intuitive hit.
  2. Follow the spiritual guidance you receive. Trust the guidance enough to take action. Many people don’t trust spiritual messages or intuition, so they don’t act on that nudge. The more you take action, the greater your degree of trust in the guidance you receive and the more messages you will receive.
  3. Meditate.* Meditation is a way to quiet the mind and begin to hear or notice your spiritual voice or guidance. It’s a practice in listening to your intuition or Source. Once you can do that, you will feel more connected and receive guidance more readily.
  4. Practice guided writing. Using paper and pencil (or computer), write, “What can I know today that will help me progress toward my goals (or achieve my purpose)?” You also can ask the same question mentioned above—“What can I do today for my highest good?” Or ask anything you like. Then, write down whatever words come to you. (If you like, take a few deep breaths or meditate before you begin.)
  5. Ask for signs. Spiritual guidance comes in many forms. For instance, you may receive signs—like seeing something meaningful written on a license plate, encountering a type of animal or insect, seeing repeated numbers, or hearing a song on the radio. Pay attention! The signs are all around you; notice and interpret them (source the meaning).

Humans are Sourcerers

Practice being a sourcerer. In time, you will experience your connection to Source and receive spiritual guidance frequently and easily.

Keep in mind that, as a human being, you are a sourcerer, even though you may not have been aware of this fact. So adopt this identity, and you will find that sourcing information becomes natural.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience, and your spiritual nature communicates with you constantly. Become aware of this conversation and start participating in it.

Do that, and you can source whatever guidance or information you seek. It’s all within you, not outside of you.

Do you believe you are a sourcerer? Do you source spiritual guidance? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

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Image courtesy of dotshock.

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