Spiritual Growth

Intend to be positively triggered daily

How to Stop Being Negatively Triggered by Focusing on Positive Triggers

Do you get “triggered”? In psychology and personal growth, a trigger is a stimulus—like a person, place, experience, or situation—that elicits an adverse reaction. However, you also experience triggers that cause a positive reaction. And while negative triggers can wreak emotional havoc on your life, positive ones can improve it considerably. It’s common to hear

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how to improve your relationship if your partner won't change

10 Ways to Improve Your Intimate Relationship Without Asking Your Partner to Change

When your intimate relationship goes south, it’s easy to blame the other person and insist they need to change. But you can’t force anyone to change…except yourself. I’m no stranger to failing intimate relationships. My marriage struggled for a decade or more. I felt confident the only solution was for my husband to change or

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Learn to receive messages from your soul

6 Ways Your Soul Communicates with You and How to Receive Its Messages

Your soul speaks to you all the time. Do you hear it? Some call the language of the soul intuition. Others call it the Still Small Voice or a gut feeling. For the average person, understanding how the soul communicates…and hearing or feeling its messages…feels challenging. In fact, many people insist their souls don’t communicate

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How to Turn Your Setbacks Into Setups for Success

Setbacks… Setbacks are discouraging, whether at work or school, in your relationships or health, or in your finances or hobbies. No one wants to take three steps backward because doing so is disappointing and disheartening. However, every setback can be a setup for growth, learning, a new version of yourself, and success. And that’s true

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partially committed is harder than fully committed

Why Committing 90 Percent is More difficult than Committing 100 Percent

When committing to goals, aspirations, relationships, jobs, growth, or anything else, you’ve probably heard the age-old advice to “give 110 percent.” Yet, how often do you commit to something—but not entirely. You say you are committed, but only about 90 percent (or less). Think about the times when you weren’t fully committed to something. How

Why Committing 90 Percent is More difficult than Committing 100 Percent Read More »

avoid being sucked into other people's drama, upset, and problems

How to Avoid Getting Sucked Into Other People’s Dramas, Upsets, and Problems

Staying out of other people’s dramas, upsets, and problems can prove challenging, especially for compassionate and caring people who want to help others. However, it is vital to strike a balance between being there for friends, family, acquaintances, or colleagues and protecting your mental and emotional health. If you fail to do so, you’ll get

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conscious and deliberate creation--historical perspective

Proof that Creative Thought or Conscious Creation has a Historical Foundation

When you hear the words “conscious creation,” “deliberate creation,” “creative thought,” or “Law of Attraction,” do you cringe and dismiss these philosophies as a bunch of hooey or undocumented woo-woo beliefs? You probably aren’t alone. However, these principles actually have a historical foundation and were popular long before the release of “The Secret” documentary in

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3 Steps for Co-Creating Desires for Your Highest Good

The manifestation process has three fundamental steps: ask, act, and trust. The last step often feels the hardest because it requires being willing to receive whatever is for your highest good—not necessarily what you asked for. It’s common to ask for what you want—through prayer, visualization, affirmations, or a vision board—only not to have that

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self-integrity, self-discipline and keeping commitments

How Self-Integrity and Self-Discipline Help You Keep Commitments to Yourself

Look at your life, and you’ll see your commitments. For example, you might be committed to watching the news on TV for an hour every night, exercising daily, eating chocolate when you feel stressed, drinking 16 ounces of water when you wake up, being angry, or staying in your comfort zone. And you’re likely self-integral

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Respond instead of trying to control, force or make things happen

How to Stop Trying to Make Things Happen, Control Situations, and Force Outcomes

There’s a time and place for attempting to make things happen. But usually, responding to what’s happening around you tends to be a more effective strategy. After all, you and I both know trying to control anything tends to be a waste of time and effort. We think we can control stuff, but we aren’t

How to Stop Trying to Make Things Happen, Control Situations, and Force Outcomes Read More »

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


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