
live a life that feeds your soul by activating your human drives

How to Activate 10 Human Drives and Create a Life that Nourishes Your Soul

When you activate your 10 human drives with the intention of achieving personal and spiritual growth, you nourish your soul. And when you live a life that feeds your soul, you consistently feel alive, happy, peaceful, and fulfilled. You’ve figured out how to have spacious days, engage in meaningful activities, and create joyful relationships. You’ve […]

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don't live life paddling upstream...flow downstream instead

How to Finally Stop Paddling Upstream and Float Downstream Instead

Have you ever felt like life is a process of continuously paddling your boat upstream? If you have, you know the experience feels challenging, frustrating, and pointless. Despite your great effort, you move forward only a little, if at all. And for every few feet you gain, you lose twice as many when your craft

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stop blaming yourself and feeling guilty

How to Finally Stop Blaming Yourself and Feeling Guilty

It’s common to feel guilty—even when you’ve done nothing wrong. You might even blame yourself before anyone else points the finger at you and says, “It’s your fault.” But guilt and blame are low vibrations that make it difficult to create what you desire or live fully and freely. In fact, guilt and blame weigh

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Be happy and live fully by incorporating the things you care about most into your life

Does Your Life Include the Things that are Most Important to You?

What do you care about most? If those things, activities, or people that are important to you are not in your life regularly, you’ll find it challenging to feel happy. And if you aren’t happy, you aren’t living a life that feeds your soul. My mother was enormously unhappy for the last eight years of

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Get desired results in the new year

A 12-Step Process for Getting Desired Results in the New Year

Goal setting has become a widespread new year preparatory practice. However, the majority of people never achieve their goals. So, don’t set new year goals. Instead, get desired results by being someone who can move successfully from where you are now—Point A—to where you want to be in a year—Point B. In the The Motivation

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Adopt your true identity and be who you are meant to be

How to Realize Your Potential by Becoming Who You were Born to Be

I talk a lot about identity—who you are “being” or choose to “be”—with my clients. It doesn’t matter what challenges they want to overcome or what goals they’d like to achieve; I encourage them to become someone who can do or have what they desire. I push them to become the person they were meant

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Manifest with positive energy of positive emotions

How to Make Manifestation Easy by Using Feel-Good Moments

How often do you feel happy, excited, or grateful? Hopefully, quite often. And every one of those feel-good moments provides an opportunity to manifest your desires. In that moment of joy, anticipation, or appreciation, shoot off an intention. Speak or think about what you want to create, and allow your good emotional and high vibratory

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Definition and benefits of personal growth

What is Personal Growth and How Does it Benefit You?

People around the globe spend billions of dollars on personal growth every year. They invest time, energy, and money in intentionally reaching their human potential. Of course, everyone experiences growth naturally as they navigate life. In fact, your personal growth often is instigated by challenges, opportunities, loss, relationships, failure, and even spiritual awakenings. When life

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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