Create Inspired Results: Got Energy?

Video Transcript:

Hi. I’m Nina Amir, the Inspiration to Creation Coach. I help all sorts of people combine their purpose with their passion so they get inspired. When they get inspired, they take inspired action towards their goals and their dreams, they live the life of their dreams, they become high-performers and create businesses, all kinds of things. Anyway, that’s what I do. But today, it’s Thursday, and I want to talk to you about energy and the energetic system that is your body.

Your body is, indeed, an energetic system, everything about it is energy. As a matter of fact, all the universe, all the world is energy. It’s all made up of energy, but our body is also the source of energy. Too often, I hear people say that they don’t have enough energy. But what we have to realize is that because this is a system, everything affects something else. No matter what you do, it is affecting something else. I like to think of it as in terms of Chinese medicine. I go to an acupuncturist who’s phenomenal. If I have a problem with my left tendon or my left ankle, he might put needles in my right hand because it’s a system. I always say to him, “The problem is over here on the right.” He says, “I know. That’s why we treat it on the left.” It’s a system, it’s an energetic system and it’s all Chi, it’s all energy. The Chinese medicine, they talk about it as Chi. It’s all energy.

So, how do you make sure that you have enough energy? Do you have enough energy? Are you exhausted at the end of the day? Are you exhausted in the morning when you get up? Do you lose mental clarity and focus in the afternoon because your mind begins to get tired as well as your body? Are these problems that you struggle with? If so, you’re not alone. I used to have the same problems. I would fall asleep every afternoon or get groggy. I get up and I’d eat, I’d drink coffee and all kinds of things that you shouldn’t do and in the morning, I would be tired, I didn’t have the energy to go exercise. I’m not like that now. Now, I get up in the morning, I have energy, I can go to my desk, I can do what I need to do or I can go work out, I can make it through the afternoon without feeling tired or unfocused. So, what makes that difference? What gives you energy?

There are some things that you do that give you energy just because you get excited about them and passionate. You might read something or watch something and it makes you feel alive and full of energy. But on a regular basis, what we have to do to develop energy in our body to generate energy.

To actually do what’s necessary to generate energy, think of your body like a power plant and you’re going to use it to generate energy. The things you need to do are, number one, sleep enough. You need to sleep seven to eight hours a day. Otherwise if you’re functioning in less than seven hours of sleep, it’s like you’re drunk. Don’t do that. Okay? Get enough sleep everyday. If you don’t get enough sleep, make sure you do something like take a nap the next day, or meditate, something like that that’s going to bring your energy back up and replenish some of what you’ve depleted in terms of sleep.

Make sure you eat well. Eat a healthy diet, stay away from sugar and caffeine and white breads and wheat. Eat a lot of greens and vegetables. Those should be the primary part of your diet, and think in terms of moderation. If you want to have ice cream, fine. I have ice cream quite a few nights a week, I have to admit, but I have to do it in moderation. I don’t have it everyday. Also, you want to be sure that you’re drinking enough water. The body is a system that is primarily water.The brain needs a lot of water, so we need to drink enough water. We have to stay hydrated. Make sure you’re staying hydrated. If you’re not staying hydrated, you will not feel high energy, especially in the summer.

Do make sure that you’re exercising. When you first start an exercise routine, you might feel tired afterwards because your body is not used to it. But as you keep going, as you keep working at it, you’re going to build stamina and you’re going to build more energy. That’s what’s going to get you through the day, and it’s going to give you the ability to work for the number of hours you want, and play for the number of hours you want, and not be tired. So be sure you’re exercising at least three to five times a week, get some cardio, do some weights, whatever your doctor says is okay for you to do, but make sure that you are using your body and moving it and stretching it.

Last, make sure that you consider your thoughts. Our thoughts and where we place our attention can be quite energetically draining. If you’re thinking thoughts about the future and feeling afraid, if your thoughts are negative, all these things will deplete your energy. Going on Facebook for long periods of time depletes your energy. Watching shows that are not uplifting depletes your energy. So think about what you’re putting into your brain and how that raises your energy or lowers it.

So, I want to leave you with a challenge and inspire you as well – I hope this video has inspired you, and  I’ll leave you with a challenge to keep your energy balanced and high. Think about all the things you do and watch what depletes your energy and what raises it up and do more of the things that raises it up.

I’m Nina Amir, the Inspiration to Creation Coach. If you want to find out more about me, Author Coaching, or High Performance Coaching, go on over to and shoot me an email from there. I would be honored and quite excited to help you become more energetic and live your life more fully in every single way as well as to Achieve More Inspired Results.

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