Monday Inspiration: Create Supportive Habits

unsupportive habits

Habits are a funny thing.

In many ways, they define us—whether we like it or not.

And I’m not talking exclusively about physical habits here, like smoking, drinking, spitting, or biting your nails. Although those define us, too.

I’m talking about mental habits as well.

How you approach the day. How you handle adversity. How you push yourself when the chips are down.

Step back for a minute and identify your top five habits—physical or mental, it doesn’t matter.

Do you have those habits in mind? Great.

Now view those habits against your long-term objectives and goals…How have those habits helped or hindered you on your journey to achieve those things?

You see, your current state is a direct byproduct of your current habits.

And if you want to a different experience—a more accomplished career, a better physique, a happier marriage, etc.—than you need to fill your life with better habits.

Develop Habits that Foster Personal Development

You need habits that zero-in on your personal development. You want habits that support your efforts to achieve your goals and to become your best self and live the life you desire.

The better you develop personally, the more you evolve, and the higher you climb on the ladder of life.

Let’s assume for a moment you what to become a writer…

Awesome! What a great goal!

But what about your habits—are you writing every day? Are you reminding yourself on a daily basis that you can do it and finding a way?

Or are you spending your free-time every night watching Netflix?

If your evening habit is to watch Breaking Bad reruns or catch up on new episodes of Orange is the New Black, you’re not moving closer to your goal. You’re not doing what you need to level-up.

You need to cultivate new habits—better habits—through personal development and transformation.

So if you’re ready to form new, constructive habits that help you take steps forward in your life, take these five steps.

1. Identify Your Goal

What’s the end-game?

Do you want to drop 20 pounds? Start your own company? Spend more time with your kids? Write that book ?

Your goal can be anything you want, just make sure it is something you want to accomplish.

2. Make a List of Your GOOD Habits

What are your best or most supportive habits?

Do you go to the gym regularly? Is your diet remarkably healthy?

When you’re angry, do you always take 10 deep breaths so your emotions don’t get the best of you?

Whatever your good habits are—mental or physical—write them down.

Then write down how each of these GOOD habits move you closer to your goal.

3. Make a list of your BAD habits

Now, on to the negative.

What habits do you have that you’d like to or know you need to change? Do you have propensity to gossip behind peoples’ back?

Do you eat ice cream as a form of procrastination? Do you curse inappropriately? Do you avoid exercise at all costs?

Be honest—the more honest you are, the more likely you’ll be able to improve yourself and move closer to your dreams.

Examine those bad habits and, for each one, write down how it’s holding you back from your goal.

4. Make a List of the NEW Habits You Need to Create

Now list your good habits.

Maybe you always clean up your desk at the end of the day. You work out every morning at the same time.

Or you floss every night. And you always answer new emails before the end of the day.


Now that you’ve outlined your good habits—and your bad ones—it’s time to decide what new habits you need to form to accomplish your goal(s).

Get specific here. Don’t settle for “I’m going to go to the gym more” or “I’m going to laugh more.”

Describe the new habits you want to implement in concrete terms.

“I’m going to spend 30 minutes on the elliptical every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

“I’m going to spend 10 minutes every day reading jokes.” (Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but trust me when I say it’s important and it is beneficial.)

5. Strategies for Implementation

New habits are great on paper, but you’ll need implementation strategies.

Where are you going to fit the elliptical (or jokes!) into your schedule? How are you going to hold yourself accountable?

For each new habit you’re going to implement, craft at least three strategies or outlines for successful implementation.

Final Thought

Remember, that your success is a byproduct of your habits.

To take your game to the next level or to achieve your goals requires the right habits—ones that help you get where you want to go rather than keep you where you are currently.

If you’re not where you want to be in your life, take a look at your habits.

Chances are, the reason you’re not where you want to be is because your habits are not where they need to be.

Are you tired of struggling alone to break your old, unsupportive habits?

You really, really, really want to change because you really, really, really want to achieve your goals.

stressed-out-lady-monkey_business-stockfreshBut those old habits are like roadblocks that don’t allow you to move forward.

If only you could get rid of them…

You can.

Give me just one hour of your time…

I promise you’ll come away with some new strategies for eliminating those roadblocks.

In fact, you’ll learn new strateies you can implement immediately.

Ready to create habits that support achievement of your dreams? Follow these three steps:

  1. Click here to download an application for a FREE Certified High Performance strategy session.
  2. Email the application to
  3. Schedule your session here.

It’s your time…to achieve your goals and live your dream.

Photo copyright: gustavofrazao / 123RF Stock Photo

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