Remember This Powerful Step In The Creation Process

The creation process involves steps that, if bypassed, impact your ability to manifest your desires. Specifically, you need to ensure you take one step—develop certainty.

Law of attraction gurus and conscious creation experts advise ridding yourself of all doubt that you can’t create what matters to you most. However, the focus needs to be on the opposite of doubt—certainty.

Certainty is defined as something “known for sure or established beyond doubt.” Certainty is “something certain,” “a firm conviction that something is the case,” or “a fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitely going to take place.”

With the certainty that you can and will create what you desire, magic happens. When you have the conviction that you are a creator, you create.

Focus on Certainty Rather than Doubt

Like other creation or manifestation teachers, I often talk about the need to know you will create what you want. I share with my students and clients that doubt tells the Universe you aren’t sure you are a creator and don’t believe in your ability to bring your desires into reality.

That conversation, however, focuses on doubt rather than certainty. So, I’ve changed the focus of the dialogue.

Instead of placing attention on removing doubt, focus on developing certainty…having certainty that you are a creator.

Proof in a Microphone Windscreen

I experienced the power of certainty in the creation process last week. I began charging a small microphone near the recliner in my office. I did this in the morning before my cleaning crew arrived.

After they left, I noticed the mic was still plugged into the power strip, but its windscreen, or the foamy cover, was missing. I looked for it under the chair and furniture nearby. I checked the pocket of the recliner, thinking perhaps I had tucked the mic in there to avoid it getting hit by a vacuum.

The windscreen was nowhere to be found. However, I was certain I would find it. Whenever I thought about that small mic cover, I said, “I know I’ll find it.” And I meant those words.

A few hours later, I saw the windscreen on the recliner’s seat cushion. I have no idea how it got there or why I didn’t see it previously. All I know is that I never doubted I’d find it. I only had certainty.

The Law of Assumption

Our beliefs are formed by repeated thoughts. We get what we believe every time. I repeatedly thought…with full conviction…that I would find that windscreen. So, I did.

Some call this the Law of Assumption, which is based on the idea that you can create your desires by believing they’re already yours. In this case, you could say I assumed I’d find that windscreen.

Yet, most people struggle with assumptions. They don’t know with certainty their assumptions are accurate. Sometimes, they are, indeed, false.

An assumption is the belief that something is the case, even without proof. More often than not, your brain wants proof.

Now, sometimes assumptions are based on proof. For example, you might assume your friend will arrive late because she always arrives at least a bit late. (There’s your proof.) You could say that past history created the certainty within you that she won’t show up on time.

But she could show up on time, proving your assumption wrong.

Expect the Worst, Get the Worst

Most people have no prior experience or proof that they can create their desires. Thus, they don’t assume they will and, instead, assume they won’t.

In other words, they doubt.

Yet, we know that people rise to expectations. And the Law of Expectation states that you eventually get what you expect. In that way, expectations are a lot like assumptions.

For instance, you expect you won’t pass the math test because you failed before. Or maybe you have the belief that you aren’t good at math, so you assume or expect that you will fail.

And guess what? What you assume or expect, you create.

You could expect to pass the math test…or to create your desire. But if subconsciously you don’t believe that will happen—you actually expect to fail, you will fail the math test or fail to create what you want.

The Rub

Therein lies the rub. Your subconscious thoughts and beliefs—and your conscious ones—can counteract your assumptions and expectations. If you have any doubt—even doubt you don’t realize you have—no amount of assuming or expecting will help you create what you desire.

For instance, if you assume or expect that you will find a missing windscreen, but your brain says, “Nah. You won’t find that. You’ve lost many things and not found them,” that becomes your reality. You don’t find it.

Or, let’s say you doubt you are a creator or have proof that you inconsistently create what you want. In such cases, you may…or may not…create your desire.

Certainty is different.

Develop Certainty

Recall that certainty is knowing something beyond doubt. Your conscious and subconscious beliefs align with the conviction that something is so.

In spiritual circles, we sometimes call this “knowing.” You know. Period. And that knowing involves no doubt, only certainty.

Therefore, when you are certain you are a creator and can and will…and do…create your desires, that becomes your reality.

Certainty is the step that ensures you create what you want.

So, stop worrying about how to dispel doubt. Know you are already a person who creates what you desire.

Adopt the identity of someone certain they create their desires. Then your mindset—your thoughts, beliefs, perspectives—align with who you are being.

Who are you being? Someone who has certainty. Specifically, you are being someone certain about your identity and ability as a creator.

Replace Doubt with Certainty

If you aren’t creating what you desire in any area of life, such as money, health, relationships, or success, know this: You doubt your ability to create what you desire specifically in that life arena.

That said, you might not possess certainty about being a creator. That’s why it’s always good to work on feeling certain about that identity first and foremost.

Uncover the beliefs that cause doubt. Replace them with certainty. Then, watch yourself become a powerful and consistent creator.

Do you have certainty about your ability to create what you want? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

Inspired Creator CommunityIt’s time to transform, is it not? Become someone who creates what matters to you. Join the Inspired Creator Community. You probably already realize that you need to change from the inside out. That’s how you become a person who does the things that allow you to create your desires. As a member, you gain access to intuitive transformational coaching, world-class personal growth coaching, and strategies for living a life that feeds your soul. And you discover that you are a powerful creator able to create what you want (not what you don’t want). Join now!

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