Learn to Manifest Your Desires by Being a Powerful Creator

to manifest, you must use the creation process

Manifestation is a hot topic these days, 17 years after the release of The Secret video and book. Suddenly, this age-old principle—or law—is back in the mainstream consciousness, and everyone’s talking about it like it’s a new concept. Yet, it was never new.

What no one discusses, however, is that manifestation is the end result of the creation process. To manifest something—bring it into physical form—you must know how to create. Manifestation is the visible outcome of the invisible process of creation.

You are a Creator

Here’s the thing: You are a creator. It’s the essence of who you are.

Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines a creator as “one that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being.”

Creators create. They bring things into the physical world.

You Create Constantly

You are in the process of creating every moment, whether you realize it or not. Most of the time, you are unaware of your constant creations and take no responsibility for them. Or you blame the unwanted ones on someone or something else.

To manifest your desires, you must use your natural ability to create consciously and deliberately. This is called “conscious or deliberate creation”—not manifestation—because it is the intentional process of creating what you want.

The Law of Attraction is a Creation Process

The creation process is often called the “Law of Attraction,” a New Thought spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. It is that…and works that way…but it is also the creation process.

And you already use that natural creative ability every day…albeit most of the time not consciously or deliberately.

The Creation Process

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the verb “to create” means “to bring into existence, produce, or bring about by a course of action or behavior.” You do something to manifest something.

Manifest means to “make evident or visible.” What you desire can be seen and recognized.

Every single day…every single moment…your thoughts, interpretations, beliefs, actions, and energy continuously bring new things into your world. As such, you are engaged in the creation process and achieving results. You are manifesting.

So, what are some aspects of the creation process? Here are the basics and most commonly shared steps.

1. Know what you want.

You have to have clarity on what you truly want—not clarity about what you don’t want or about what others want for you.

What does your heart long for? What does your soul sing about? What matters to you most and would make you happy?

Be aware of your “rockets of desire.” Abraham-Hicks uses these words to describe moments when you get a strong feeling of desire. You know you want to create something new!

They can be moments of inspiration—times when you become inspired. Inspiration is your soul guiding you toward your next manifestation.

Pay attention to those moments. They provide clarity on what you want.

2. Focus on your desire.

Place your attention on what you want. You can do this in various ways, such as using affirmations, visualizations, daydreams, and hypnosis. The main point is to train your thoughts on your desire.

3. Eliminate (or reduce) negative thoughts.

Rid your mind of the thoughts that negate the possibility of creating your desire. Your brain will talk you out of almost any desire. You hear its negative mental chatter all day long. But those thoughts don’t help you create anything but what you don’t want.

Stop this from happening by feeding your brain positive thoughts or affirmations. Do this with high energy and positive emotion, and you will rewire your brain to create what you desire.

4. See your desire made manifest.

Visualize having what you desire now. This is not an exercise in seeing the future as you want as much as using your imagination to experience having it in the present—even though you don’t yet.

Visualization also rewires your brain.

5. Raise your vibration.

Keep your energy high and positive. Get into vibratory synch with what you want.

When you are angry, stressed, or upset, you are out of alignment with the feeling of having what you desire. So, focus on feeling good.

Advanced Creation Process Concepts

Many teachers have taught the steps above. However, I teach something a bit more advanced in the Inspired Creator Community. I call this the Inspired Creation Method, and it includes some unique concepts.


The creation process requires that you assume the identity of “creator.” Remember, a creator creates.

Who you are “being”—your identity—determines your results, circumstances, and experiences. You must learn to be someone who can create what you desire. Be that person, and your mindset and habits will help you manifest what you want.


Know you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your spiritual nature guides you with intuition and inspiration.

Be someone who creates based on spiritual guidance. Take action on inspiration and intuition. Be an “Inspired Creator.”

Creator Mind

Once you become an Inspired Creator, your mindset aligns with this elevated identity. You develop a “Creator Mind,” filled with transcendent thoughts—not mundane ones.

If you think a thought often enough, it becomes a belief. If you think transcendent thoughts consistently, you develop ascendant beliefs—ones that help you tap into your spiritual nature more often and rise above the so-called obstacles presented by life.

Aligned Expression

Tapping into and following your spiritual guidance system allows you to create in a soul-aligned manner. That’s when you manifest what really matters to you with much more ease.

You also show up more authentically. You begin expressing who you are at the soul level.

Inspired Action

Now, you can take bold and inspired action, which allows you to create in a soul-aligned manner. You can fulfill your purpose by creating with the intention of serving others.

You begin living an authentic life that feeds your soul. And you take the last step of the creation process—receiving. You open your arms and allow in your desires.

This completes the creation process. You make your desires manifest.

Create What Matters to You

I’ve only just touched the surface of these advanced creation process concepts in this post. However, if you want to learn more, join me on August 20, 21, and 23 for a live, free, three-day masterclass called “Create What Really Matters to You.” I’ll teach the “Inspired Creation Method” in more depth during this event. Register for this virtual masterclass here.

You are a creator. Know that.

Follow your inspiration—your soul’s guidance, and become an Inspired Creator. That’s when you consciously and deliberately create what matters to you most.

At the same time, you create for the highest good of all and manifest things that serve humanity and fulfill your purpose. Those are good reasons to learn to be an Inspired Creator, are they not?

What steps do you take to create what matters to you? Tell me in a comment below, and share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

Imagine harnessing your powerful creative ability and creating what you desire. What might become possible? As a transformational coach and certified High-Performance Coach, I’ve seen my clients become people who are able to take the actions necessary to create what matters to them most. You can do the same. Click here, and schedule a quick meeting with me. Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together and what type of coaching would best help you get inspired results.


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