
control this to create change

Create Change by Focusing on the One Thing You Can Control

Much of what you have experienced in 2020 probably feels out of your control. There seems to be no way for you to change it. After all, you have little way to stop pandemics, economic shutdowns, fires, shelter-in-place orders, hurricanes, or unemployment levels all by yourself. You may even feel as if your singular vote […]

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How Ambivalence Stops You From Making Positive Change

You really want to change. You’ve focused on self-improvement. Your home is littered with self-help books. You spend all your extra money and time on personal and spiritual growth courses, webinars, and coaching programs in an attempt to level up your performance in a variety of life arenas. Yet, you still struggle to make even

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your thoughts dictate your experience

How to Choose Thoughts that Create Your Desired Experience

Your thoughts dictate your experience in the present moment. Wherever your thoughts go, you go—mentally, emotionally, and physically. People have been talking about the power of thought for ages. But thoughts aren’t just creative—a la the Law of Attraction, they also determine your experiences. Whatever your mind focuses on, you live. For instance, in the

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cocoon yourself while sheltered in place and emerge transformed

How to Create a Protective Cocoon that Allows for Transformation

Despite the constant news reports about increasing numbers of coronavirus deaths, we have the opportunity now to prepare for a post-pandemic rebirth. Indeed, the members of humanity are cocooned and preparing for transformation. We have all been asked to wrap ourselves in the safety of our homes. During this time of social distancing, we each

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supercharge your personal growth with the Law of Attraction

4 Ways the Law of Attraction Supports Your Personal Growth

Some people don’t believe in the Law of Attraction. Other people swear it helps them attract their desires. Whatever camp you fall into, this universal principle offers lessons that can enhance your personal growth. An understanding of the Law of Attraction can help you step into your best self, achieve your potential, and reach your

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


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