When life seems crazy, it’s easy to decide some things aren’t important—even if they are. It seems necessary to focus all your attention and energy on reducing the chaos and uncertainty. Wanting to create something that matters to you seems selfish…even trivial.
It’s actually selfish not to create what matters to you—especially when life seems the craziest.
I liken this to putting the oxygen mask on yourself first on an airplane so you can help others do the same. When life is crazy and chaotic, taking care of yourself allows you to care for others. And that means putting your interests—or the things you find most meaningful—first.
When you feel happy, fulfilled, purposeful, and powerful, you possess a greater ability to help others. You emit a higher, more positive vibration, which others feel, and you have more energy to contribute and support those in need.
Don’t Put What Matters on the Back Burner
Of course, if the situation requires your attention or something dire will happen, address that first! But don’t put what is important to you on the back burner for long. If you do, it will eventually burn or go bad.
The world seems pretty crazy, especially in the United States. However, other places in the world have experienced craziness in different ways, like those areas experiencing war, fires, floods, or famine. It’s possible you or people you know feel they must put their attention on essentials…survival. In some cases, you might need to do that—like if you are a hostage, under attack, or in a natural disaster. In most cases, the crazy world does not prevent you from creating what matters to you.
Yet, people believe they must put their passion projects and life’s work on hold to handle what’s right in front of them. As they metaphorically put out fires, what matters to them simmers and then gets burned in the pot.
Be aware that this is a decision you made. In most cases, circumstances do not stop you from creating what matters to you. You allow them to take precedence. You choose to make them your priority.
Focusing on Chaos Doesn’t Help…It Hurts
I know of people who have put the things they value on hold simply to stay abreast of the constantly changing political landscape. Yet, that doesn’t make them more able to help others. Instead, it makes them feel more internal chaos and uncertainty, which adds to the craziness they feel and that those around them feel.
After all, they are placing their attention on what they don’t want, and, therefore, creating more of it—even if only because they are focused on it. It begins to seem like “more”; yet, what we focus on truly does expand, and where attention goes, energy flows.
If you place your attention on what you fear, you become more afraid. If you voice your fear, those around you become more afraid…and so do you.
Ultimately, the attention placed on the craziness causes more of it. Your focus on the chaos expands it.
Someone told me that when we worry about someone, we increase their struggle. The same is true in a crazy world; only your worry increases the chaos, uncertainty, and craziness other people feel.
Focus on Creating What Matters
Yet, people feel the need to put all their attention on the crazy circumstances around them. For example, a friend decided not to participate in our local artists’ studio tour this year. “It’s too difficult a year for me to focus attention on making and selling jewelry,” she told me, referring to the issues related to the new U.S. administration. Not only did she affirm—and create—a difficult year, but she decided to focus her attention on political issues that concern her, increasing her concern and adding it to the collective consciousness.
Shut out the crazy world—even for a little while—to focus on something that feeds your soul, gives you a sense of purpose, or serves others in some way. That’s how you reduce suffering.
First, you reduce your own suffering. Creating what matters to you makes you feel happier and more peaceful, certain, and fulfilled. That positive energy then ripples out to your friends and family. Ultimately, it adds good juju to the collective consciousness as well.
Plus, you might create something that serves others. For instance, one of my clients is writing a book that could help many people around the globe. Yet, he has stopped writing “until things settle down.” He knows readers need this book sooner rather than later, and he says it’s his priority. Still, he believes he must, instead, put his attention on family members experiencing large amounts of anxiety.
His choice puts his family first but doesn’t allow him to serve in a larger manner. In fact, serving his readers also serves his family in a variety of ways. One, he doesn’t add to their struggle by focusing on it, and, in turn, causes them to focus on it. Second, he provides a good role model, demonstrating how to be of service and not give up on what matters to you…no matter what.
3 Ways to Create What Matters When Life Seems Crazy
You can create what matters to you when life seems crazy…or in spite of that craziness…in the following ways.
1. Focus on creating what matters.
Initially, you may need to focus on the issue at hand, especially if it is a fire that needs to be extinguished and only you can accomplish that feat. That likely matters to you.
That is not the same as creating a business, a book, or a charitable organization. What matters to you could be developing a loving relationship, increasing your income, raising your children, or becoming healthier. Place your attention on creating what matters to you for all the reasons described previously.
2. Take action toward creating what matters to you.
It seems appropriate to put all your energy into doing things you believe you must or should do when life gets crazy and uncertain. You want to stave off the fear, chaos, and any negative or uncomfortable circumstances. That’s understandable.
However, you get a reprieve from those activities—and your anxiety—if you take action toward creating something that matters to you. Do one small thing…take one baby step.
That action keeps your pot cooking on the stove but not burning. And you’ll feel better for paying attention to something meaningful and purposeful. Not only that, you’ll move the creation toward manifestation.
3. Make a promise to yourself…and keep that promise.
Promise yourself that you will continue to focus time, attention, and energy on creating what matters to you…no matter how crazy the world gets. Then, keep that promise.
Have the self-integrity to keep doing what’s necessary to make your dream a reality. That commitment to yourself and what matters to you goes a long way.
If your home has burned down in a wildfire or your job has been lost, you might not be able to keep your promise to yourself to write a chapter of your book daily. Yet, you can write a little bit—a paragraph, for example. You can remember why you wanted to create whatever it is you want to create, and then do something that moves you forward.
Purpose Holds the Key
Indeed, your Big Why or purpose holds the key to creating what matters even when life seems crazy. When you keep the reason you want to create something at the forefront of your mind, you will always find a way to take a step toward that goal.
And if you shift your identity to be someone who stays on purpose, you will create what matters to you every time. Learn more about how to adopt that identity by watching the replays of my recent (2/2025) masterclass called “Create What Really Matters to You.” Watch the replays here. (Replays will be available until 2/28/2025; then, they become a bonus for members of the Inspired Creator Community.)
Are you creating what matters to you despite all the craziness? How are you doing that? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.