What Gifts Feed the Soul, Make the Spirit Happy, and Light Up the World?

give gifts for the soul

The Thanksgiving holiday has ended in the United States. That means we’ve entered the excessive spending season. Ostensibly, holiday shopping is done for the purpose of giving, but Black Friday ushers in a spiritually dark period of the year. And it doesn’t become brighter even when we celebrate light-filled holidays, like Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza. Instead, it continues through the post-winter-holiday sales.

But if the purchasing and giving you do in the next five or six weeks focuses on bringing more light into the world, you can help transform this spiritually dark period.

Imagine giving gifts that feed the soul, make the spirit happy, and bring peace and light to the world. Do that, and you create a light-filled spiritual period from the end of November through the end of December, which is what the time is meant to be.

A Radically Different Type of Gift

I began thinking about this when I was asked by the founder of Newsforthesoul.com to participate in a different type of holiday radio promotion. She was creating short segments focused on “Gifts for the Soul.” Participants would offer books, programs, or courses with the potential to provide upliftment, expansion, and transformation to those who invested in them.

That’s a radically different type of gift—one with the potential for long-lasting, life-changing, positive impact on those who choose to purchase them for those they care about most.

I gladly agreed to participate. And now my gift for the soul—membership in the Inspired Creator Community—airs regularly on newsforthesoul.com. This station also hosts my radio show, “Inspiration to Creation.”

Think about it…

What gifts might you give that feed the soul of a loved one?

What could you purchase for someone that might make their spirit sing?

How could you spend your money this holiday season to create more light in the world?

I can think of a few such gifts.

And no, I won’t fill this blog post with links that make me money. I will offer seven general suggestions on the type of gifts for the soul you might give.

1. The Gift of Books

Give those you love a book this year. But not just any book. Give these people books that expand their thinking or change their beliefs. For example, give them a “good read” that supports their efforts to become healthier, happier, or more financially stable.

A novel could be a good idea for someone you know who is stressed, overwhelmed, and always focused on work. But a nonfiction book that helps someone else achieve a goal or realize a dream can be a game changer.

If you don’t think a person you know has time to read—or isn’t “a reader,” buy him or her an audiobook. If they can listen to podcasts or music, they can listen to a book.

2. The Gift of Self-Care

How many people do you know who never stop to take care of themselves? Probably a lot.

For that burned-out, over-tired person in your life who never stops doing (especially for others), consider giving them a gift certificate to a spa, for a massage, or to a great local restaurant. These can make a massive difference in someone’s life.

3. The Gift of a Fun Experience

And then there are fun-experience gifts, which are great for those who never allow themselves to do fun things. These could include tickets to a concert, play, comedy show, or musical. You could purchase a ride on a hot-air balloon or a season pass to a ski resort or the national parks in their state.

Want something more straightforward for the person who never allows themselves to play? Get them tickets to a movie theater, a dance class, or the local climbing gym.

4. The Gift of Time

You probably know a parent who never seems to have enough time to exercise, eat lunch with a friend, or focus on a favorite hobby. Give that person the gift of time.

Of course, you can’t change their schedule or create extra hours in their day. But you can hire and pay for a babysitter. (Let them schedule the day and time to use this gift.) Or pay for a monthly cleaning service for the year or a dog walker to come weekly. When someone else does these tasks, parents receive the gift of free time.

5. The Gift of Charity

Don’t forget that you can give charitable gifts in honor of someone you love. This can be an especially powerful gift for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one due to a specific disease or who are activists.

For instance, you could give a financial donation to the American Cancer Society in honor of your grandfather, then tell your grandmother this is your gift to her this year.

Or make a financial donation to an environmental organization. Then tell your best friend you did this in their honor since they are concerned about conservation and want to stop global warming.

6. The Gift of Spirituality

And don’t forget that it’s possible to give the gift of spirituality or spiritual connection. This can take a myriad of forms.

For example, you could give a friend a gift certificate for a Tarot reading or a session with a medium. Or you could buy your sister-in-law a set of oracle cards or a crystal you believe will help her somehow. Give your uncle a month’s worth of seven-day candles, each in a color that represents something he wants to create in his life (like a green candle for attracting money).

You could even pay for someone you love to go to a five-day Buddhist meditation event or a religious retreat for the weekend.

7. The Gift of Transformation

I’d be remiss not to mention the gift of transformation. This relates to my “Gift for the Soul” radio segment, which promotes the Inspired Creator Community. You can gift someone a personal or spiritual growth course or program—even if it’s not mine.

Many such programs can be purchased with a one-time, six-month, or annual fee. Others, like my Inspired Creator Community or Living Fully Challenge, require an ongoing monthly fee, which you could pay for a specific amount of time, like six months or a year.

And then there is coaching… You can hire a transformational coach for your sister, brother, or partner. Or hire a business or Certified High Performance Coach for someone you know who will benefit from this support. You can purchase one, four, six, or a year’s worth of sessions—whatever is in your budget.

Give Meaningful Gifts

By now, you realize there are many ways to give gifts that feed the soul, make the spirit happy, and create light in the world. And you can choose to do that this year instead of taking part in the holiday buying frenzy and spending money on meaningless gifts that will soon be forgotten.

Show the people you love that you genuinely care about them…and the world. Give gifts that are chock full of meaning, thought, and the possibility of making a difference in their lives.

What types of gifts will you give this year? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with a friend or on social media.

Inspired Creator CommunityIt’s time to transform, is it not? Join the Inspired Creator Community. You probably already realize that you need to change from the inside out. That’s how you become a person who does the things that allow you to create your desires. As a member, you get access to intuitive transformational coaching, world-class personal growth coaching, and strategies for living a life that feeds your soul. And you will discover that you are a powerful creator able to create what you want (not what you don’t want). Join now!

Photo courtesy of MART PRODUCTION

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