Nina Amir - Inspiration to Creation and Certified High Performance Coach

Create a life that feeds your soul

There is more to life than striving to meet other people's expectations and someone else's definition of success.

You know that.

And you've experienced the results of that type of life … one that leaves you feeling not enough, off purpose, exhausted, soulless, empty, and with no time or energy to create the things that really matter to you.

That's not surprising.

Striving to meet someone else's expectations requires putting your dreams on hold. You have to stop following your inner GPS — your soul purpose — and, instead, do what others expect or what you believe you should do.

If you live that way long enough, you lose sight of your True North. Ultimately, you lose yourself, too. And your dreams of creating the things that matter most to you—including a life you love—dissolve.

When that happens, no matter the degree of success you achieve, you are left feeling a profound sense of emptiness … and a deep desire to fill it.

You'll never feel like you are enough or have done enough if you continue on this path. And you'll end your life with a ton of regrets.

You are a powerful creator. And you have a soul purpose to fulfill in this lifetime — even if you aren't quite sure what it is.

You can create a life filled with passion, inspiration, enthusiasm, love, joy, contribution, excitement, meaning, fulfillment, and connection — one that allows you to fulfill your purpose and achieve your potential on your terms.

When you do that, you create a full life and the ability to live that life fully. You create a meaning-full, purpose-full, and spirit-full life—an authentic, soul-aligned life you truly love.

There's another level for you … another level of alignment with your best and highest self … another level of service … another level of connection to others and to your Creator … another level of success … another level of meaning...another level of living.

You are meant for something more...

Take my Life Success Quiz

Are you succeeding or failing at life? Find out in my online interactive quiz. 

How I Can Help You Feed Your Soul

Inspired Creator Community

Join an online community of like-minded people. This is where seekers gather to create lives that feed their souls.

Inspired Results Coaching

Join my one-to-one transformational coaching to get you from where you are to where you want to go and create the life of your dreams.

Private Certified High Performance Coaching

Join my one-to-one certified high performance coaching program, which is personally tailored to you.

About Me — Nina Amir

From the outside, I looked successful — at least by other people's standards.

I'd landed three traditional — publishing deals and self-published 18 eBooks, and almost all of my books had become Amazon bestsellers. I'd spoken on numerous stages, sometimes sharing the mic with leading industry experts. I was considered a thought leader and had a sizeable following on social networks.

Yet, after 15 years of striving for success by publishing industry standards, I found myself empty. I had little passion for my work. I felt uninspired and lost… And nothing I did was enough.

I was trying to meet my literary agent's expectations for who I should be or needed to be. I was attempting to be patient and write what I was supposed to write and do what I was told to do so that someday I might get to write the books I wanted to write.


Not sure which Program is right for you?

If anything I've shared has resonated within you, schedule a time to have a deeper, two-way conversation. I would really, really love to talk with you and determine your next steps toward a full life that feeds your soul.

Are you ready to create something different…something more?

Your old way of being in this world no longer serves you. You know that.

It's crucial right now to remember who you are — a spiritual being in a physical body. You possess a spark of Divinity that gives you the ability to create. In fact, you are an enormously powerful Creator.

You do, indeed, have a purpose waiting to be fulfilled. And you are meant to make a difference in this lifetime.

The only thing standing in the way of achieving that soul-worthy goal is … you. You have to get out of your own way.

To do that, you have to focus on your personal and spiritual growth.

If you feel you are at a crossroads but don't know which way to turn or how to move forward to create a life filled with meaning, purpose, and spiritual connection, let's talk. I'd love to hear more about your dream and support you on the journey to realizing your best self and soul purpose — to taking back your power so you can create what you desire.

If anything I've shared has resonated deeply within you, click here to schedule a time to have a deeper, two-way conversation. I would really, really love to talk with you and determine your next steps toward a full life that feeds your soul.

If, however, you feel ready to make a decision and commit to not missing another moment of the life you were meant to live, click here to access an application that serves as the start of your personal and spiritual growth journey with me. Filling out this application gives me a chance to get to know you better, but, more than that, it's the beginning of your transformational process. Completion of the application gives you an opportunity to consider your aspirations, the difference you want to make, and the type of life you want to live.

Once you've completed the application, we'll have a conversation — a longer one. You'll be allowed to schedule a FREE, 90-minute coaching session, and we can get started on your personal and spiritual growth. Immediately, you will begin to gain clarity on what you want to create and start moving toward manifestation faster than you thought possible.

And, if, after that free session, you choose to continue coaching with me, that's the work we will do together. I will walk with you as you take the journey to the full life you were meant to live, a life filled with meaning, purpose, and spiritual connection … one that feeds your soul.

You create whatever you focus upon.

Focus on your personal and spiritual growth.

Are you ready to create what your soul desires ... what you desire?

Let Me Help You Create a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Inspired Creator Community

Join an online community of like-minded people. This is where seekers gather to create lives that feed their souls.

Inspired Results Coaching

Join my one-to-one transformational coaching to get you from where you are to where you want to go and create the life of your dreams.

Private Certified High Performance Coaching

Join my one-to-one certified high performance coaching program, which is personally tailored to you.

Take my Life Success Quiz

Are you succeeding or failing at life? Find out in my online interactive quiz. 

Read My Blog

As-the-spirit-moves-me-logo CR
intentional living

Monday Inspiration: Live Intentionally

By Nina Amir | October 3, 2016

There are few things as frustrating in the world as feeling stuck. If you’ve ever gone through a day just floating along…you know what I’m talking about. You’re not making real progress. You’re not growing, developing, blossoming. You aren’t living fully or becoming your best self. You’re just…existing. Put an end to those feelings of […]

Visualize Your Way to Success in Life

By Nina Amir | September 30, 2016

Do you visualize your ideal life, job, partner, or vacation? Do you daydream about having the freedom you desire, the success you’d like to achieve or the difference you’d like to make in the world?Don’t let anyone tell you that this “habit” is a waste of your time. In fact, it’s enormously useful. You can […]

visualize your way to success

Create Inspired Results: Turn on Your Creativity at Will

By Nina Amir | September 29, 2016

Would you like to be able to turn on your creativity at will? Sure you would. If you could, whenever you needed to solve a problem, find a solution, produce something, you would be able to do it easily. I work with a lot of writers and aspiring authors. Some of them tell me they […]

learn to give

Monday Inspiration: Giving and Receiving

By Nina Amir | September 26, 2016

Did you know that receiving what you want has a lot to do with what you give to others? If you want something, the best place to start is to figure out how you can give…anything…but, in particular, something related to what you want. That may seem counterintuitive, but giving and receiving exist at two […]

storm the island

Burn the Boat and Shut the Back Door

By Nina Amir | September 23, 2016

Have you ever struggled with a decision. You know you should do something, but you aren’t all in. You’ve got some doubt, and you don’t feel like you must take action. So you hem and haw. You keep chewing on it. Maybe you create a plan B…and C. Or you tell yourself, “If I don’t […]

visualize your way to success

Create Inspired Results: Do More than Dream

By Nina Amir | September 22, 2016

Are you a dreamer? I’m a dreamer at heart. That’s fabulous except if you only dream. Is that what you do? You just dream? If so, that’s a problem. It is essential to have dreams, goals, and aspirations. These keep you moving forward towards your best self and your fully lived life. Visualizing your dreams […]

How to hear and act on intuition

Monday Inspiration: Trust Your Intuition

By Nina Amir | September 19, 2016

Have you ever gotten a feeling, one that says you should or shouldn’t do something? You don’t know where that feeling comes from, other than somewhere deep inside. That’s intuition. Do you trust your intuition? Failure to trust your intuition can lead you astray. After all, your intuition is your personal GPS system. It’s meant […]

Stop Putting Off Things Until Tomorrow

By Nina Amir | September 16, 2016

We all put off things today and leave them for tomorrow…or the next day, week, month, year. What are you putting off? And why do you not take action immediately or as necessary? This can be an important question to answer when it comes to your health, business, relationships, and just about anything in life–especially […]

Find out how I can help you

Whether you want to join an inspired and creative community, begin private coaching, or take part in a group Certified High Performance Coaching program, I can support you. Click on the button to find out which program is right for you.

Create something more – the meaning-full, purpose-full, and spirit-full life you desire.

Imagine waking up every day energized and with eyes sparkling as you anticipate how you will fulfill your soul purpose and achieve your potential. Feel the comfort you receive as you go through your day feeling spiritually connected and guided. See yourself passionate, inspired, and motivated as you do your life's work by using your knowledge, skills, and gifts to make a difference in your unique way. Visualize the deep, joyous, and fulfilling relationships you have with your family and friends as well as the Divine. Imagine yourself feeling vibrant and energetic — able to live an active lifestyle and pursue your hobbies with ease, grace, and stamina. And see yourself ending the day, aligned, happy, and fulfilled, living the life of your dreams and thriving on all levels.

Focus on your personal and spiritual growth. In the process, you will realign with your authentic self and your soul.

Allow yourself to go beyond the mundane and access the sacred. When that happens, you can achieve your potential and fulfill your purpose. You can do the work you were meant to do in the world and make the positive and meaningful difference your soul longs to make.

You are a powerful creator. Create a life that feeds your soul.


Hear what past participants have said about my programs

Linda Handy


Lu Cysewski


Laura Figueroa-Scott


Laurence Elliott

Professional Dancer, Polish National Ballet

Since working with Nina, my confidence as a dancer has improved massively. She has helped me see that I could move with self-assurance from the middle or back of the class to the front and show teachers and ballet masters what I can do. Thinking about the big picture, and what is the purpose of my dancing, has encouraged me to set life goals that are bigger than just 'get a contract.'


Not sure which Program is right for you?

If anything I've shared has resonated within you, click the button to schedule a time to have a deeper, two-way conversation. I would really, really love to talk with you and determine your next steps toward a full life that feeds your soul.

Create a life that feeds your soul

I know it can feel scary to invest in yourself, but now is the best time to do so. It's necessary to invest in yourself if you want to live a full life-one brimming with meaning, purpose, and spiritual connection and that makes your soul sing.

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.

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